I forgive myself for judging the words cope and coping as negatively charged.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that to cope or to be coping with something is like a loss as it is undesirable and unfortunate.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having held a grude as like self induced self righteousness in believing that to cope and coping is bad as like a negative energetic charge.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having been frustrated and irritated by the word cope.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising that my irritation and frustration in relation to the word cope and coping reflected my struggles and inabilities for coping and to cope with situations.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having believed that to cope with something is a scape goat and as like an excuse as accepting self as less than.
I forgive myself for accepting myself as less than as a result of having believed that to cope with something is a scape goat as like an excuse as accepting self as less than.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having suppressed my abilities to cope as a result of having accepted and allowed a polarity energetic friction charge as the word cope.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating irritation and frustration about the word cope because I believed coping to be too easy and that things shouldnt be to easy.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having suppressed myself as living the word cope and coping as equality and oneness as like dealing with daily tasks and coping with acceptances and allowances while in and asprocess of self correction as self perfection is walked as insured succes as a result of the will to live as the words cope and coping as a means of assistance and support to deal with situations in and as a way that is always best for all.
Cope: starting point is equality and oneness as like dealing with daily tasks and copping with acceptances and allowances while in and as process of self correction as self perfection is walked as insured success as a result of the will to live as the words coping and cope as a means of assistance and suuport to deal with situation in and as a way that is always best for all.
I realise cope and coping as equality and oneness as like dealing with daily tasks with acceptances and allowances while in and as process of self correction as self perfection is walked as insured success as a situation in and as a way that is always best for all.
I realise I created and induced agitation, irritation and frustration within myself as a result of having lived the word cope within and from a starting point of separation as polarity charged energetic friction.
I realise my reactions to and as the word cope and coping reflected the way I was living as cope and coping.
I realise the support and assistance as like enhancement for and as self realisations as a means of self correction and self perfection by facing self with and as brutal self honesty as acceptances and allowances as living word relationships.
I realise the assistance and support in purifying my words as equalization as a means of releasing and removing self imposed energetic polarity frictions from and as the words I am.
I realise that I am coping with my mind consciousness system as I am in the process of letting go of mind consciousness systems that are not in the best interest of life as I program myself as equality and oneness.
I realise the word cope and coping as a point and tool of and as assistance and support in and as daily practical living equality and oneness.
When and as I see myself accepting and allowing myself getting frustrated, irritated, annoyed, aggitated with having to cope with something in my reality...I stop and I breathe and I realise myself as a working process.
I commit myself to living the word cope as assistance and support as living as a working process.
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