important shit

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Day 115 Shared Communication

Communication is best a knowing that there is a giving and receiving taking place because it’s like self awareness of the giving and receiving and it’s like a full an equal and one


I forgive myself for not realising the simplicity of and as communication.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having been secretive about communicating and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being influenced by my seceret mind as like a thief in the night seemingly out of nowhere bringing forth thoughts attached with emotional/feeling charges as like reactional triggers as like the button to push to self induce mental masturbation as like fucking cannibalism.

I forgive myself for not realising that in the past I created difficulty in communicating/sharing/expressing myself as a result/consequence of being influenced by secret mind.

I forgive myself for not realising my secret mind as a tool of self support in and as the removal of accepted and allowed emotion/feeling charges held within me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having resisted speaking to my girlfriend.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having accepted and allowed an emotional reaction towards my girlfriend as like spite and spitefulness as like fuck off I don’t want to talk to you right now because I don’t see the point and I’ve accepted and allowed myself to be in a mood as like emotional friction between us as like manifested accepted and allowed separation.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be influenced as like being under the spell as like held within the charges of the accepted and allowed feeling/emotion as like a self induced hypnosis as like a spell I cast upon myself which was confirmed by my active participation in not physically deleting the emotion/feeling with self forgiveness and or simply saying delete as a point of self directed will to stop in the moment as the emotion/feeling emerge/surface.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having resisted really wanting to go in depth into a point of feeling/emotion as a result of accepted and allowed fear of consequence as like seeing the point/problem and the solution and having to walk the practical solution and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having a resistance to walking self realisations as like self corrections as walking practical solution in and as effective application of daily living from and as the starting point of what is best for me is best for everyone as I am a reflection of everyone and therefore what is good for me is good for you because you is me and me is you and equality and oneness is the starting point of creation and I am here to stand as equality and oneness as creator responsible for and as existence.

I forgive myself for not always realising emotional/feeling mind possession as like existing within and as emotion/feeling as like being in a trance mind like state as self induced hypnosis.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be mad at myself and frustrated and irritated that I realised a fuck up within myself.

I forgive myself for not realising the coolness in realising/seeing a fuck up within me as like a fucking awesome point/tool of and as self support in living self correction of accepted and allowed fuck up.

I realise through writing I assist myself in communicating with myself as like total self exposure as like ya man this is me inside and out.

I realise communication is best shared.

I realise communication is always shared.

I realise ineffective communication is the result of accepted and allowed separation.

I realise removal of accepted and allowed separation enhance and enriches quality of communication as like physical connection in terms of how much giving and receiving was with awareness as a point of self support as like a gift of and as self nourishment and  self fulfilment as like gratitude and appreciation.

I realise I am in process of establishing effective communication with myself as equality and oneness as starting point of and as creation.

I realise having a resistance to communicate with my girlfriend exposes an emotion/feeling charge I am accepting and allowing myself to be held within as like accepted and allowed prison sentence as like being stuck within emotion/feeling energy state as like a self induced act of cannibalism as like accepted and allowed friction/separation within myself.

I realise letting go of secret mind enables me as an effective communicator which results in an enhanced quality of living life.

When and as I see myself accepting and allowing myself resisting communicating with my girlfriend...I stop and I breathe and I realise that I am required to push through manifested resistance and I realise that there is always a reward/present/gift/opportunity as reward/present/gift/opportunity in pushing through resistance as making resistance no more an acceptance and allowance as the acceptance and allowance becomes removing resistance by pushing through it whenever resistance is seen/realised as being here.

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