I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having been selective with remembering memories as like I would allow myself to remember memories where I had attached positive values/feelings and I would allow myself to not consider memories which I didn't like as those memories held negative charges with emotions.
I forgive myself for not realising that wanting to forget about unpleasant memories because I created negative emotional charges towards/about them doesnt make them dissappear from by beingness and that in fact I was only suppressing them in an attempt to focus on being positive and feeling good out of an attempt to avoid facing the totality of my creation as accepted and allowed energetic charges as either emotion or feeling.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have like reactions to looking at memories. Meaning that if I am looking at a positive memory I will have a positive feeling while looking at it and therefore if I am looking at a negative memory I will have a negative reaction as like emotional possession.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having avoided facing all my memories with self responsibility as like utilising self forgiveness to release myself from the memories as the accepted and allowed charges I had defined in past moments which make up the holding of the moments within me as like being bound to a feeling or emotion as like a self induced traumatic event.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having wanted a short cut as like a total dismissing of my past acceptances and allowances as emotions and feelings as like accepted and allowed energetic charges that I've held within myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having feared facing and releasing my past as memories as like emotion and feeling energetic charges.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having avoided seeing the relevance of facing all my acceptances and allowances of the past as being the necessary action for transforming and changing my future Here on Earth to a future Here on Earth that I can stand by as what is best for All.
I realise the necessity in releasing all energetic charges from within myself as memory as like either positive or negative.
I realise that positive feelings are the product of suppressed negative emotions.
I realise that suppressed negative emotions create the extraction of positive feelings.
I realise that focusing on the positive is like being religious about avoiding/suppressing negative emotions.
I realise that there is no way around facing the truth of myself as accepted and allowed emotions/feelings.
I realise the relevance of facing all my acceptances and allowances of the past as being the necessary action for transforming and changing my future Here on Earth to a future Here on Earth that I can stand by as what is best for All.
I realise that wanting shortcuts is like an avoidance of work and that a working human body cannot afford to take shortcuts as all work is equal and one in its importance and therfore nothing can be missed as everything is important.....like all memories are equally important in going through and releasing.
When and as I see myself accepting and allowing myself to react to looking at a specific memory, I stop and I breathe and I allow myself to utilse self forgiveness as a tool of support in releasing emotion/feeling energetic possession charge.
I commit myself to sharing my understanding about emotions and feelings as energetic charges within the body as memories.
I commit myself to sharing the unfolding of my story as me walking through energetic experiences as memories as either positive or negative and releasing them with self forgiveness.
I commit myself to exposing my process of self corrective application through utilising the tool of self forgiveness.
I commit myself to facing all my acceptances and allowances of the past as being the necessary action for transforming and changing my future here on earth to a future here on earth that I can stand by as what is best for all.
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