Desteni I Process is Awesome!
I am gratefull for the Desteni I Process!
I regret not enrolling in the Desteni I Process when it was first introduced!
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing for having waited to start the Desteni I Process.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having justified reasoning as to why I didn't enroll in the Desteni I Process when it was first introduced.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking and believing that I don't need the Desteni I Process and that I can just figure everything out on my own.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having resisted being a Destonian as s member of a group of people who really care about Life and what is best for everyone.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having been so caught in my own self interest as separate from everyone else.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having been angry at people for not being interested with Desteni and the Desteni I Process. I realise my anger exposed the point within myself as like not totally commiting myself to the Desteni I Process and that within myself I wasn't pleased with myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having wanted people to get and understand the Desteni I Process. I realise this point reflected me wanting to get and understand the Desteni I Process and that my projection towards other people exposed my acceptances and allowances as like suppression of understanding the Desteni I Process.
I realise the Desteni I Process is a Lifetime commitment of assistance and support as what is best for everyone.
I realise myself commitment as the Desteni I Process.
I realise that it is so cool and awesome to communicate with fellow Destonians as like real conversations of substance and assistance and support.
I realise it is so cool and awesome to share and inform non-Destonians about my participation within and as the Desteni I Process
I commit myself to sticking with and as the Desteni I Process as like who I am Here as what is best for everyone.
NOTE: If YOU are not enrolled in the Desteni I Process please check out the following link:
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