important shit

Thursday 6 September 2012

Day 113 Worries are Worrisome


 Ok so I know that worrying leads to worrying and that worrying is a product of fear and that worrying is ridiculously stupid like fucking retardedly stupid like wow let me stress the stress in worrying as like fuck is the most expressive word I can think of to describe worrying in one word...well actually stress is a better one word discription of worrying as stress is like getting your rests all messed up because rests is made up of the same letters as stress and rests is not in order in the word stress because rests as the spelling of stress is not in order and fuck, worries and worrying as i've experienced it is a result of messed up fears because fear is messed up because fear is like stress because there is an absence of rests

When I am at rest within myself I do not get stressed and therfore do not worry as I recognize the mind fuck of mental masturbation as the emotional energy slutting song and dance of worrying as like confirmed stressors activated as like emotional reactions directed by fear as like a self automated program within myself that's been my bitch as like the itch and itch's ive gotten as built up accumulated anger frustration irritation as like emotional feeling complications as consequence of being fear's bitch as like fear is a nasty ass director and oh shit like the shit from a nasty asshole I've accepted and allowed a relationship with fear as like how stupid and absurd

I forgive myself for having accepted and allowed myself to stress/worry about desteni i process assignments.

I forgive myself for having accepted and allowed myself to stress and worry and daily writing.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having feared not being able to complete my desteni i process assignments.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be directed and dictated by fear.

I forgive myself for not realising that fear had me by the balls because I accepted and allowed fear to have me by the balls because I self induced my own mind fuck as like my accepted and allowed fuckedness as like this is my greed as like fear exposes the acceptance and allowance of separation as like disconnection from self realisation as equality and oneness connected infused intertwined together as like perfect dna sound manifest as equality and oneness here as sound self expression.

I realise the stupidity as the stupid I tie/ty as like me being tied to and as stupid as accepting and allowing a relationship with and as fear as like fucking my ear as like accepted and allowed mind fucking as vulgar brutal self inflicted mutalation from the inside out as like a rotting fucking asshole.

I realise the fuckedness of stressing worries as like spreading complications but more like amplifying complications that are already existant as build up and suppressed bullshit that hinders and limmits self expansion as excellence as consequence of accepting and allowing self induced handicap.

I realise the funnyness of exposing the stupidity and absurdity of the ridiculous fuckedness of fear as worry as like premature ejaculation is the same thing as worrying...fucking fear as fear is like a self induced rape as the most brutal self inflicted abuse.

I realise the simplicity in letting go of fear and worry as fear and worry are like make belief as fake not real reality as mental projection as like a self induced horror story one choses to create as consequence of playing make belief without consideration and regard for self as a creator equal and one here.

I realise how to use fear as a tool of self support as like a road sign for the life map of pushing through resistance as like strength training as result of living self willed determination as self discipline as self commitment to excellence as like being a baler as being on the ball as playing well as life player and worker here standing from and as the starting point of equality and oneness.

I realise I've been pretty fucking stupid for worrying and stressing about my daily writing's and my desteni i process assignments as like wow holy fucking stupid shit i've accepted and allowed within myself

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing holy fucking stupid shit within myself.

When and as I see myself accepting and allowing holy fucking stupid shit within myself as like fear/worrying/stress...I stop and....I breathe as a point of self direction as I direct myself in stopping holy fucking stupid shit within myself as like fear/worrying/stress becuase I know and understand the self support in stopping a bullshit acceptance and allowance.

I commit myself to using fear as a road sign on my life map of resistance as I accept and allow myself to program myself as equality and oneness in and as always equal and one as self commitment to and as self expression as who I equality and oneness and who I am in the process of becoming as equality and oneness

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