When and as I see myself stressing myself out about money, I stop and breathe, I say I am here, and I see/realize/understand that stressing myself out about money does not in fact support me at all. I see/realize/understand the harm/strain I do to my body within stressing my body as a result of fearing not having enough money. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear not having enough money to survive. I commit myself to seeing the humor as the absurd ridiculousness of justifying the need to stress myself out as a result of requiring/needing more money and not knowing how I am going to get it. I see/realize/understand that stressing myself out will not support and assist me within obtaining the money. I commit myself to stop stressing myself out. I commit myself to stop justifying the experience of stress upon my physical body in relationship to dealing with money.
When and as I see myself experiencing disharmony within myself in and as relationship to money, I stop and breathe, I say I am here, I investigate why and how it is that I am in conflict with regards to my starting point within and as Money. I commit myself to resolving conflict/disharmony within and as money. I commit myself to taking immediate self-responsibility in self-correcting a disharmony within and as money relationship when in fact I see the point. I commit myself to stop fearing to see for real what is here. I commit myself to stop fearing and doubting my future here on earth. I commit myself to the future here on earth.
When and as I see myself valuing money more than I value myself/others, I stop and breathe, I say I am here, I direct myself in forgiving myself for devaluing myself/others in relationship to over-inflation within and as the value of my relationship to money/currency. I commit myself to stop perpetuating a world money system of abuse. I see/realize/understand my relationship with money and other beings is a reflection of why and how the world exists today.
To be Continued
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