In my previous blog I said, "I don't really have much drama in my life if any." I reflected upon these words here and I see this as a result of me having been isolated within my own mind where I have been disconnected from the total physical reality here. Because the total reality of Life here is full of drama as like so much injustices/trauma/abuse existing here. Within this I see how it is my self-responsibility to face the music/drama here as all the injustices/abuse/trauma existing here. Like what is this Life I have here for if I do not stand up to do everything within my capabilities to stop abuse from existing here within our shared physical reality. I mean look at the way our economic system how human functioning is based in and around a peculiar relationship rules we've formed around money. Like life is totally disregarded in the name of money. I see how money can be a great tool to facilitate the movement/expression of Life. I realize and understand there needs to be a serious attitude adjustment...where we as humanity get our priorities aligned as what is best for all Life here. Because at the moment we've been actively or passively choosing to take the piss out of like just real total like we've created a real muck of a gong-show scenario that has become quite the global epidemic of rapid destruction of Life/Earth a result of being totally out of line in giving a shit for what is best here within and as our self-responsibility to care for one another and have a sustainable shared reality where we all reap the benefits of the common good.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for distancing myself from and as universal responsibility as seeing and realizing and understanding my relationship/agreement with all Life here as what is best for all Life here within and as the starting point principle of oneness and equality.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for becoming sheltered within my personal bubble of things are all good where I can have an easy like vacation style lifestyle because I was a fortunate winner in the birth lottery where I was born into a family of money/elitism...where basically I am benefiting from the atrocious abusive economic system where few benefit and many suffer.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having been hesitant and resistant to really push myself full force and dedicate my life living here to working on projects that would be for the benefit of future generations of Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get stuck within the all good attitude of focusing on my personal reality while disregarding and distracting myself from the greater outer reality as like the big picture within and as the consideration of Life interconnectedness within and as oneness and equality here where all Life is of and as the highest value.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for distracting and confusing myself from the big picture of what is going on within our global reality by choosing to allow myself to get caught up within moments of petty bullshit as like having reactions to others within my personal reality.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the shame within deeming myself not worthy of taking on a large role within and as the standing here as a being who speaks up for what is best for all Life and directs and facilitates practical living solutions for the betterment of all Life here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the shame within getting caught up within petty bullshit within my mind in relationship to events/beings within my immediate environment.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for accepting and allowing myself for daydreaming about possible courses of action for myself without actually physically moving myself within and as practical living self-movement that is best for all Life here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking that it is enough for me to be at peace/ease within the personal/interpersonal relationships within my reality.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being selfish within not giving enough attention to directing/creating solutions for big picture world problems that exist within our reality. I realize and u understand that obviously in order for myself to be in a position of creating/directing big picture solutions for our shared reality that I have to stand effectively within all the small points/relationships as the personal and interpersonal relationship.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having justified not pushing myself to investigate all the atrocities that exist within our shared reality because I do not experience a desired positive energetic stimulationfrom doing so.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having been conditioned to only give my attention to that which I believe will give me a positive energetic experience. I realize and understand the design flaw within only focusing on the positive energetic this is the current predicament of humanity as like we are fueling the chaos/drama/abuse/disease within not realizing how we disregarding our equality and oneness within and as everything here.
To be Continued