I just listened to "Waiting for Life to Happen". I suggest clicking on the link to the interview. There was a lot of cool points brought through within the recording.
To make a point of sharing a point that has come through in relationship to my living is the point that "Nothing moves unless I move"...meaning that,...Unless I directly move apply myself within particular points...than nothing is going to happen....
To further elaborate on the point....it's like waiting around for opportunity to come knocking on my door....or going out and making opportunities happen by doing things...whether it be as simple as knocking on people's doors....or it be sending a long time friend a message....or making a few phone calls....or setting up a facebook event. The point I am sharing is that there is so many ways to make things happen in one's life....it really is as simple as just doing things.
This point resonates well with me....because I have participated in polarity extremes here....where I have gone from making lots of things happening...to making somethings happen....to resisting/avoiding to make anything happen really. I confused myself in this point as a result of having created a resistance towards the point of "Initiative" and "Responsibility"...where I went into judgement and comparison about these things from a starting point of self-righteousness where I ultimately victimized myself in holding myself back from taking initiative and responsibility for creating events/participations/plans for myself. I went into the point of resistance to planning and responsibility and initiative to such an extent....that I was treating each day as like...well I'll just see what happens....and what opens up. All the while, not realizing that I was resisting to actually create openings and opportunities for myself because I basically had put myself as being dependent upon my emotion/feeling in the moment...and also being rooted in the point of fear of commitment....so....therefore not much foresight into the logistics of planning and mapping out the effective use of my time.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for dismissing the practicality of living the words "Initiative and Responsibility" in relationship to making things happen within my life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for fearing the commitment to actually walk the process in space and time in order to actually manifest/create that which I would like to make happen.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for dismissing directive creative control of my life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for disregarding my creative potential in and as the living of my life here....from and as the perspective of the attitude and notion of, "I'll just wait and see what happens..."
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating a dissonance towards life happening from the perspective of forgetting to understanding reflect upon the fact that my life and ability to see and relate here is a result of and as how I am participating internally and externally here....meaning that all is a self-reflection here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the mentality of just waiting for life to happen to be as a resulting consequence of living in fear/anxiety/lack of self-confidence/self-worth.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the extent of my potential to create the Life I want to see here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having resistance to actually take responsibility for my life and the happening of my life here in every moment.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for abdicating responsibilities for my life being here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being hesitant about actually moving myself here in this world....from the perspective of daring to explore and experiment here without the fear of making a mistake.
When and as I see myself resisting to actually live the words "Initiative and Responsibility" , I stop and breathe, I see realize and understand the value as practical living life support within and as the knowing of "Initiative and Responsibility"
I commit myself to further sharing the words "Initiative and Responsibility" in my writing as a framework to support and assist the practical living of life here from and as the starting point of knowing and understanding oneself existing here as a Creator, equal and one.
I commit myself to stop shifting responsibility and initiative away from myself.
I commit myself to stop fearing to make mistakes within actually taking on initiative and responsibility within the beginning stages of new projects/developments.
I commit myself to walk through the fear/resistance I face within face new experiences that are uncomfortable and also when the outcome is uncertain.
I commit myself to giving myself the time to effectively plan my life and day to day living effectively so that I can actually live my life to my fullest potential...and make the most of my time here.
I commit myself to becoming more effective with my regard and considerations about time.
I commit myself to cherishing and valuing every single moment of my time.
I commit myself to dedicating my time to noble and worthy causes that are to the benefit of all life here.
I commit myself to structuring my practical living from the principle of what is best for all life is in fact best for me.
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