An interesting point was presented to me today.
I suggest checking out Why Words Aren’t Free - Reptilians - Part 219 and How Information Processing Disempowers - Reptilians - Part 221
This evening I was downtown around 2am picking my brother up who had been boozing. The environment downtown as the bars were beginning to close was rather chaotic as it was like the night of the living dead...alcohol fueled zombies everywhere....stumbling, slurring their words, yelling, screaming, reacting intensely, fighting, and prancing around....and blabbering the same things over and over again as like they forgot what they said to the person 3 seconds ago so they're saying the same thing a broken record repeating itself over and over...and that's just describing some of what I witnessed this evening...
What I want to share is that as I initially took in so much information within the environment as what I was hearing and seeing...I almost started projecting an emotional reaction of words to my like taking it personally everything that I am seeing and hearing...and then I realised and understood...what's the point of doing does that make me any different to all the other zombies I see if I react to seeing zombies doing all sorts of zombie things...
On the car ride home this evening I said something to my brother about one of the zombies we saw this evening...his response was he thought it was funny that what I said was so casual and without any emotion or feeling. I had said to him that the guy we encountered was just really boozed and was maybe under the influence of a little cocaine...but more boozed than cocaine induced...
The point of me mentioning the above point is that later when I got home after having listened to the above interviews I had reflected upon the point of how so often in the past I would take the knowledge and information I see and hear like I couldn't help myself from reacting to the knowledge and information...and it's like it was always justified because I was generating feelings and emotions about what I saw/heard/learned...and therefore it seemed valid for me to have a feeling/emotion/judgement about whatever it was I was seeing because I was exercising my minds right to have a moral compass of right or wrong...
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding the absurd ridiculousness of emotion and feelings in any like I realise and understand the mind fuck of such participation as like just activating an internal moral compass based upon self righteousness positioning as like a mind gps system that has been set up to react in alarm as feeling/emotion to every sort of stimulation...which i mean is pretty absurd and ridiculousness...because it's like making oneself no stability can exist within a person when being hardwired to react to everything...I realise and understand how easy it is for people to be controlled and manipulated as a result of feelings/emotions/reactions and judgments.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how much I manipulated and form of self control within myself as result of participating in and as reactions as thoughts/feelings/emotions/judgments.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding myself as a zombie as like being so susceptible to reaction as the various forms of energetic impulses as the range of emotions and feelings as like forms of self righteous judgement that have been wired within me as a moral compass that can always be justified as my logic.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding the mind fuck of reaction as like perceiving it as logically justified because it is what I am experiencing within myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having so many times said, fuck it...Im just gonna go with this emotion and or feeling I am experiencing within like I just wanted to make my like give my let people know what I like what I am experiencing within myself...
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding how abusive I have been to myself and others within speaking from a point of emotion and like I see and realise this to be a form of verbal like spraying venom...
So many of the sounds I heard amongst the crowd of zombies this evening was piercingly like very unpleasant to hear...
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding that every feeling/emotion that I accept and allow within myself is in fact this piercing sound of conflicted abuse...and I realise and understand that I don't like the sounds of conflicted abuse and that it is my self responsibility to make sure I stop and remove all sounds of conflicted abuse within myself because it is not cool and I wouldn't want anyone to accept and allow the sounds of conflicted abuse to exist within I realise and understand the point of integrity and dignity within taking accountability for my zombie like behaviour that I can stop being a zombie...and actually be living aware and accountable for my physical sounds as sound expression as equality and like like beyond energetic friction.
When and as I see energetic friction within myself, I stop and breathe...I hold the point of energetic friction within myself and examine the energetic friction until I am clear in understanding as to the origin of the particular energetic friction...and then I release the energetic dissipating it within like directing the stop to the a result of standing within and as the conflict and remedying the solution as the solution as I realise and understand myself as the starting point source of accountability. I realise and understand the absurd ridiculousness of letting energetic friction linger within myself as like chore that I am avoiding taking responsibility for me...because wow is that every stupid....I realise and understand the point of getttrrrr done