Consistency is so much so a constancy point as something that is always here as a result of certain regularity if you clock work kind of thing in the scheduling...the point re-occurrs...resurfaces and is here again and again and again...I mean hey, look at breathing that is a cool point and example of regularity of continuous constant happening...but even within the act of breathing in....there is the stop in the breathing like you are going one way before you go the other way...and there's the in between like the transitional pivot and pause like moment which can be described as a sort of hold in the moment where you catch yourself in the pivot/transition and sort of look before immersing fully in the movement...the pivot/transition/hold in the breath is the stop so to speak...kind of thing.
Where am I going with what I am saying?
I am talking about the point of regularity in action and specifically relating to the point of my blogging and vlogging.
I have showed myself how to blog/vlog with great regularity....and i have also showed myself how to blog with great irregularity.
The irony of course is that both these points are so much so the same. The same difference if you will. The will to do...or The will to do something else...or perhaps...The will to do not...Either way there is a Doing'ness Will at Play here...and We either make the decision to Do or to Knot the Do....because, because, because...and the reasoning and justification is profoundly specific and unspecific at times as a result of the reluctance to really check and cross reference the questioning of oneself and the capability of self-response ability that is possible.
Again the irony here.....where there is a Will there is a way....a way to do...and a way to do not....the donut of do knot...i mean do like the reason. What's so interesting I am seeing here about the mind point interpretation here of time and willingness....from the perspective that i have participated within the various degrees of reasoning as 'to do' or 'not to do' either way a sort of do at play/work here within the specifity of my choice decisions...and it's this sort of choice that I have allowed to exist as a way for me to exercise a way out kind of a way to get out of a responsibility that i rather do very much enjoy...And within this I have shown myself that I do have the capability and ability to make a point of writting/blogging/vlogging as a daily point..even when the schedule is so very full....even when I was living in a bush camp working 14-15 hour days...I was able to manage the point of writing...granted within the bush camp scenario my uploading blogs was more labor intensive as i didnt have a direct line to the internet, which resulted in me requiring to post many blogs at one go when i went into town...or because i had written on paper and i moved the words from paper to online format.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating reasons as knots in my capacity to do something.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing the conflict that is so much so at the center of my reasoning within and as the choice this way or that a way.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get into polarizing points of action within myself from the perspective of being at a sort of war within and as the rat race of winning/losing based on how I am feeling/experiencing myself within and as a moment of reaction/reasoning.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to utilize the word Reason for less than greatness in action.
I forgive myself for not realizing and understanding how I can utilize Reason as a complimentary aid/tool in and as the creation of greatness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the scope of creativity that is possible within and as words when I in fact remove the conflict from and as the words as the accepted and allowed dissonance that prevent the seeing the whole realm of possibilities as ways in which to move/live as the word here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for becoming slack within the point of responsibility in sharing myself in writing and vlogging as I walk my process journey to life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for holding back my capacity to give myself the best responsibilities.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating a sort of dissonance towards my blogging/vlogging.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for validating reasons as to why I cannot vlog/blog with great consistency/regularity.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I created the net of my knot in which i trapped myself wihtin and as my own intent as the reasoning of and as my course of actions.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting to be creative in making the time and space to utilze a few moment here and few moment there throughout my day to capture a point of sharing as a sort of highlight in my blogging/vlogging to mark down in and as my process journey here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how extensively so, I am capable of producing great results.
When and as I see myself faced the choice of to blog or not to blog....and I see myself going into an emotion/feeling about the matter as like whether i want to do or not do, from the perspective of the energetic experience within mye....I stop and breathe...I look and see if the opportunity and time is in fact here for me to practically move the point...and if it is, I do....and if it is not...I do not....and either way i continue within and as the momentum of my moment to moment management as the best participations of myself here.
I commit myself to reestablishing great consistency and constancy in my blogging and vlogging.
I commit myself to to stand as an example of how to live the point of blogging and vlogging as a daily enjoyment that is in fact a profound assistance and support for myself and others as a sharing that is worth and is for giving :)
I commit myself to be creative in making space and time for blogging and vlogging and I realize I can do this with a sort of effortless ease as I have already shown myself to be capable and able.
I commit myself to living the best of myself here.