important shit

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Day 10, Correcting Self-Righteous Judgement

Ok, so I noticed that I have a negative connotation/charge to the word, 'judgement'. And, because of holding onto a polarity definition about the word judgement, my perception has been wack as ive realised that soo many times I judge peoples judgements.  Like...I've reacted many times to peoples like me being a self-righteous fucker who is better than judgement...yet I've been holding onto an unbalanced polarity charged definition of the word, 'judgement'. Because of allowing this, it's like i've been coping with judgements and my self-righteousness. Like I know self-righteousness is fucked and is essentially the same thing as judgement...yet I didnt realise how I was perpetuating this coping with reactions/judgements as a result of having defined judgement as it a polarity charge.

Ok, so a lil more about the definition of judgement that I had created: bad,negative,nasty, wrong, guilty, exposure, blame, fuckedness.

So, my expereince in relation to the word 'judgement' has been bad, negative,nasty,wrong,guilty,exposed, blame, fuckedness...which has been like a buffet of's like...ive been trying not to allow judgement...yet it's been my relationship with the word that has caused my self-righteous judgment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for defining judgment with a negative charge.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising how I had been reacting to all forms of judgement as a negative charge because I had accepted and allowed judgement to exist as defined in my mind as a negative charge.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for giving a negative polarity charge to the words; negative, bad, nasty, guilty, exposure, wrong, blame and fuckedness.

I forgive myself for not realising that the words I had connected to judgement had all carried the same energetic polarity charge as judgement.

I forgive myself for not realising that my entire relationship with words had consisted of connecting words with like charges to the initial word I have given a polarity charge. I realise that it is my self-responsibility to purify words as the purification of the law of my being. I realise that the process i walk is in and as self correction as I correct my faults as faulty programming that is not best for everyone. I realise I am walking self-correction.

I forgive myself for not realising the extent of my self-righteousness by allowing myself to participate with and as polarity charged words. I reaslise that it is my self-responsibility to equalize my words/vocabulary so that I do not allow any self-righteous-judgement to exist within me as living words.

I forgive myself for not realising that if I have even one word within myself that has polarity charge, than I am in fact not standing as oneness and equality togerther merged as me like the intertwining of my dna as perfection and that I have a point of self-righteous-judgement within myself that must be self-corrected as to equalize myself as living words as equality and oneness.

I forgive myself for not realising the simplicity of the statement, "words are innocent."  I realise that words are inncoent and I realise that innocence means without fault and to be free of judgement and guilt. I realise that living words as innocence is the process bit by bit I am accumulating as I purify my vocabulary as equality and oneness.

I forgive myself for not realising the extent to which I react to words and how I have been possessed and consumed by words based on the energetic charges I have given to words. I realise I've gotten caught on trains of thought because of the feelings/emotions infused with the words that come up within my mind and that when I give attention/react to words/thoughts within my mind,..that is like the train leaving the going down the rabbit hole or into the vortex of my mind like a cyclone and just allowing myself to go on a loopity loop roller coaster ride of buzzingness based on the relationships with words that is rooted in energetic polarity equations to feelings/emotions that act like a chemical concotion as a potion that creates and feeds off my life force essence.

I forgive myself for realising that the words I speak are polluted and tainted if I have any polarity charges attached to my words.  I forgive myself for not realising the extent to which I have been a diaper mouth. I realise self expression as words comes without having any conflict with words as all words are innocent here as equality and oneness. I realise I created conflict within myself by allowing conflict to exist between words as positive charge and negative charge as the war/battle of good words versus bad words.

I forgive myself for not realising that giving words a polarity charge is like drugs influencing the mind as either a high or a low.  I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising the grotesque nastyness of trying to make all my words positive. I forgive myself for not realising the brutal nasty imbalanced slant of feeding a super high...and I forgive myself for not realising the consequences of feeding a super the total opposite of a super high as a super low.  I forgive myself for not realising the extreme abuse that has resulted from word pollution as attaching/dumping feelings/emotions onto words.I realise the extreme abuse that has resulted from word pollution as attaching/dumping feelings/emotions onto words.

I forgive myself for not realising that I have derived great enjoyment from speaking words that I have not given any polarity-self-righteous-judgements to as feelings/emotions.  I realise that I've enjoyed fucking with peoples reactions to words as self-righteous-polarity-judgements.

I forgive myself for not realising that as I've gotten older my words have been more corrupted with coding as feelings/emotions as polarity self-righteous judgements. I forgive myself for not realising how the mind as programming codes as thoughts/feelings/emotions compounded day after day...year after year as a result of my continuous particpation within and as a mind consciousness system.  I realise the fuckedness of participating as thoughts/feelings/emotions as like exstensifying the prison walls/self imposed limitation format.

I commit myself to re-defining words so that I equalize myself as living words and stop perpetuating abuse as separation as self-righteous polarity judgement.

I commit myself to living the change as I purify polluted words to words that can stand the test of time as onenesss and eqaulity as an absoltue harmonious balance.

I commit myself to enjoy living words as life innocence as oneness and equality.

I commit myself to playing and sharing words as unconditional support that facilitates self-realisation as self-expansion braching out as a tree of life breaking down walls of self imposed limitations.

Ok, so looking and playing with the phonetics of the word judgement before i re-define judgement. Judge meant.  Judge-me-an' meant like what i meant to say...or you know what I mean as in meaning of the t...t as in the jesus being crucified on the cross for everyone judging him...jesus was killed with judgement....jesus forgave all judgements...

So, re-defining judgement as a word one and equal with all other words as life innocence:

 Judgement is like making an assessment...looking and seeing what is use your best judgement is to use common there is no discrepency in the choice one is making as the decision is clear. It's like looking at the facts that are being presented and understanding the why to the facts being to know what one meant when they said what they we are always able to understand what each other is saying to us when we without bias and allow ourself to trust ourself as self-honesty here and thus we are one and equal with everything we see and here and thus judgement as a word can be regarded like assesment, common sense, clear decision making. So, when decision making is not clear, this exposes the point of having conflicting judgements of polarity friction...because to use your best judgement is to stand as the judge of what is best for all in all-ways. Self-honesty will always guide the best judgements as common sense assesments that are best for all in all-ways. Important to note that self-forgiveness is the power tool like a power saw, cut through the bullshit as definitions as judgements that were not best...meaning self-forgiveness is a self-corrective tool to self-correct bad decisions. Therfore always know that if your judgement is not best that it must be self-forgiven...because only self-forgiveness releases one from the burden of carrying the bondage of fucked up self-forgiveness is to unfuck the fuckness so that fuckedness is no more here as a word to describe abuse and can be but a word used to describe stories of a long ago time when fuckedness existed as abuse...because the best judgements were not lived in every moment.

When and as I see myself creating a polarity friction as an energetic charge within myself as a reaction to judgement, I stop, I breathe and I hold my breath for a moment to assist and support me holding onto a point to make sure I see the whole that I can release the point as self forgiveness as one and equal with my breath as to forgive and forget.

When and as I see that I am fucking with myself as polarity judgement, I stop and laugh at the ridiculousness i particpated in and as.

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