Effective communication is like a communion of action where there is a coming together in and as an agreement. What I find fascinating about this is the very fact that this is based on comprehension of what is being said/articulated. Meaning, there can be many different points of view and perspectives within and as the communication between people...and that is actually quite cool...in fact, this is a point of sharing in and as the expansion of self-development here...where our world expands in and as the seeing of a new perspective about a point. And from this perspective here...the communication is not a battle/argument/conflict....it is an exchange of information from the starting point that sharing is caring...and sharing and caring are fucking awesome.
It's interesting to see how there is difficulty in communication when one or more parties involved in communication take some sort of offense to specific information that is shared...like, a reaction to the information is usually in the form of offense/defense...where the information is essentially not comprehended and processed effectively within one's mind....which creates a disharmony of sorts....which results in a temporary misalignment within the potential harmony and rhythm of the sharing exchange and transference of information.
What is so fascinating about communication is our movement. Whether it be verbal or non-verbal.
It has become self-evident to me that when a point is not comprehended effectively there is a reaction which results in a particular energetic movement within the body....and, this movement can be verbal or non-verbal. In becoming acutely aware of these energetic movements within self and therefore others here, one can stand within and as the self-responsibility of directing any and every disharmony that occurs within the sharing of information.
What is fascinating about taking self-responsibility, is that we in fact enable our ability to respond/communicate effectively. Ironically, without gifting and giving ourself the responsibility to self-correct and remove points of dissonance/disharmony as moments of energetic reaction,...One's ability to hear and be heard here is suppressed....which is a most unfortunate mind fuck, a tragic comedy really, because, ineffective communication is a mistake and contamination in and as one's own relationship with words/Self here.
I have noticed that within one's immediate family....there can be much disharmony in communication...because there is so much emotion and feeling related to one another....which makes the energetic reactions in and as voice tonality greater/stronger...because the charges against oneself are so much more extreme and there has been such a build of emotion and feeling within the memories of each family member....that one is often much more easily triggered when another family member speaks to them. I heard something said along the lines of, "end war in the family....and there will be no war in the world" This is a fascinating exposure here because essentially the war that exists externally throughout the World is a total mirror and self-reflection of the war of words that exist within ourselves here. So, as we take responsibility for our words and actions here, we take responsibility in remediating the war/conflicts that exist here....because the wars and conflicts that exist are in fact nothing more than a consequential outflow of improper comprehension of vocabulary.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for reacting in moments of communication as a point of impatience...in not wanting to really shut up and listen and receive what is being shared with me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being self-righteous within communication from and as the perspective of not wanting to take the time to listen and actually process and comprehend what is being shared with me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for justifying moments of blame within communication as a result of validating the use of judgement as a self-defense mechanism to super impose the position of blame.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how communication is in fact a simple point of sharing and that communication only becomes difficult when one decided within one's mind that they do not want to be patient and self-responsible within giving and receiving as what is best for Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the art of communication.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for investing emotions and feeling about particular words/things/people/places/behaviors and actions to such an extent that I feared letting go of the emotion/feeling/investment/relationship I created.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for disregarding my verbal and non verbal communication.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be lazy within my communication.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for disregarding my sounds within sharing my sounds here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how a contaminated vocabulary results in and as the suppression of particular self-expressions here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting to hear/listen to myself here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to take offense and defense in relationship to seeing and hearing what is here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to battle myself within and as the suppression of my sound here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to compromise and suppress my sound/movement/expression/beingness here within and as a result of participating within energetic reactions.
I see, realize and understand how energetic reactions are less than who I really am as Life.
I see, realize and understand how energetic reactions are the suppression of life substance here.
I see, realize and understand how to stop suppressing myself here.
I see, realize and understand how to direct/self-correct reactions/disharmony here.
I see, realize and understand the importance of self-responsibility within and as communication here.
I see, realize and understand how to communicate effectively.
I see, realize and understand the art of communication.
I see, realize and understand the 'art of communication' to be a point of self-movement/self-expression here as how we play.
I commit myself to playing,
I commit myself to assisting and supporting myself and others to make the best plays and be the best players here.
I commit myself to practically living awesomeness within and as communication.
I commit myself to sound communication as the self-realization that who I am as sound is beyond the self-imposed limitations of energetic reactions as emotion and feeling.
I commit myself to sharing my sounds/words/movements in ways that are best for all Life here.
I commit myself to living and applying the 'art of communication' as who and how I am here as the starting point of self-responsibility and self-awareness that always exists here beyond consciousness.