Please read the following post before reading my post.
This is a great post here about the Korean Movie entitled, "Old Boy".
My sharing here will act as an addition to the sharing within the post that I urge you to read before following along with my writing here.
Revenge.....the re-play of vengeance.
In actually examining the point of Revenge, No Revenge is Valid and or Acceptable from and as the starting point of what is best for all Life.
This I see here is a point of most unfortunate consequence.
The interesting thing here is that revenge is never without reason...and is therefore always justifiably valid within the eye of the the one who seeks vengeance.
What is interesting about vengeance is the force within in this, most perfectly illustrates the misalignment of Life Force Essence/Spirit/Integrity within a human being.
If you have a look at the determination within revenge it is absolute. There is sound commitment here. In the movie 'Old Boy', you see the main character move through seemingly impossible challenges/conflicts in order to fulfill his Wish of extracting his revenge/vengeance,
Now, I mention the point of revenge being a point that perfectly showcases the misalignment of Human Life Force/Spirit/Integrity....because each of us has such tremendous potential to do good here...and revenge is a misguided calculation that committing harm and doing more harm is a necessary evil to bring about a greater good....which is kind of a tragic comedy here....because note the irony in fighting for peace....I mean that example should be painstakingly obvious...pardon the pun Jesus...I mean shit...what bullshit we have created within and as our own distorted justification as the means to our end.
The irony of revenge is that it's like chasing after a's an imagined distortion really...a cognitive inability to do basic mathematics within and as the starting point of All as One as Equal.
This reflection on Revenge here has assisted and supported me to see and realize the strength of Self-Willing Determination. I see and realize the principle of Oneness and Equality. What is best for all Life is best for Me...because I am in fact a presentation of All Life Here. I see and realize each being is in fact a presentation of All Life Here. The most unfortunate tragedy within our shared presentation here is our mistreatment of ourself here. I mean, have a look....humanity throughout history has been cycling within Revenge/Vengeance....Justification...always arguable so....the irony here is the cowardice behavior within ourselves in seeking revenge/vengeance....I say this is pure irony here....because have a look at how glorified revenge/vengeance is within our world culture as being heroic and patriotic...
So, what is really heroic and brave? Self Forgiveness.
I dare you!
Why do I say this?
Because it takes a real courage and honor to actually face the consequences of one's actions without making plans to perpetuate the consequence of one's in fact has to stop oneself from cycling out of control and for the first time ever...exercise some real self-willing actually take control of One's actually give back control to One Self here to actually Create for Real...A Real Life worth Living...and I mean this is a bold task...because to face this point is to actually realize and understand Self-Forgiveness as a Practical Living Self-Responsibility....that it's beyond a's at the depth of our actual Life Force Here....Self-Forgiveness is the Force....It is the point....This is not Violence....this is in fact saying, 'till here no further will I abuse myself'....Now this is a difficult point because our programmed control logic/ Fear/Violence....and I mean this is just the consequence of intelligent design being designed to be most clever in out witting one like who can be the most nasty sly fucker....which is a total reversal to how things in fact are really suppose to be here on our play ground planet....which is most unfortunately looking like a prison from a global perspective...because we have not dared to really ever stand as those who really ever fully cared.
This I am seeing here is what Self-Forgiveness really in fact is....
Self-Forgiveness is the capacity to Care for Yourself as All Life and to In fact Give Yourself the Best Support and Assistance Possible as a reflecting example of Treating Yourself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I have lived out cycles upon cycles of Revenge and Vengeance upon myself and all of Existence Unknowingly.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding my cowardice actions within and as the acceptance and allowance of Revenge/Vengeance as a behavior I believed to be a necessary justification.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the extent to which I have harmed myself and all of existence as myself within and as my justified fearful mindset.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the personality split and distortion between loving someone and hating someone. I realize the confusion and delusion within such a mindset.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having perpetuated confusion and distortion within myself as a result of allowing myself to be possessed by fear energy.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I suppressed my creative control of Life by choosing to abide to irrational fears/justifications/judgments/beliefs/perceptions/ideas/words.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I miscalculated the value of words.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I miscalculated the value of myself here as All Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the value of all Life Here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for making believe the value of all Life to be too complicated to actually figure out and there for impossible.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having thought and believed that valuing all Life as One and Equal is impossible.
I forgive myself for not realizing and understanding how it is in fact possible to have regard for All Life Here.
I see, realize and understand that regard for all Life here starts within and as myself here. I see, realize and understand myself here as the self-responsibility to present myself as All Life You is Me and Me is I see, realize and understand that we are all here within the same process of Presenting Ourselves to each other as All as One as Equal and the opportunity and Present is Ours in and as how we Present Our Self here in each and every moment as the Presentation and Expression of that which is Best for all Life.
I see, realize and understand that this process of presenting Our Self Here as Oneness and Equality is in fact our sharing and caring here.
When and as I see myself resisting to share and or care, I stop and breathe, I dare myself to share and care....I see, realize and understand the practicality of living caring and sharing as a principle embodiment of who/how/why I am here. I commit myself to practically living the principle of caring is sharing from and as the starting point of what is best for all Life.
When and as I see myself thinking about justification....I stop and breathe,...i see, realize and understand the absurd ridiculousness of justification.
I commit myself to stop participation within and as the manufacturing of justification/bullshit.
I commit myself to self-willed determination as what is best for Myself as the presentation of All Life Here.
I commit myself to the physical embodiment of the words, "Integrity" , "Responsibility", "Spirit", "Strength", "Honor", "Courage", "Bravery", "Commitment", "Will", "Determination", "Creativity", "Here", "Home", "Play", "Work", "Extraordinary", "Performance" , "Sharing", "Care" , "Love", "Self:". "Trust", "Word"
I commit myself to practically living the physical integration of words as the practical living realization that I am the Living Words.
I commit myself to breathing Life into Words as the sounds I make as I speak the talk of my walk.
I commit myself to sharing my sounds as practical living words of support and assistance as what is best for all Life here.
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