important shit

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Day 59 Righteous Spitefulness within Hope and Desire

Day 59 Righteous Spitefulness within Hope and Desire

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 I forgive myself of accepting and allowing myself for being righteously spiteful as a result of reacting in irritation and frustration and anger and annoyance to my hope/desire of making money at work today and projecting righteously spiteful backchat towards my crew-boss.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising projections of spiteful righteousness are self reflections of me being righteously spiteful towards myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having justified participation as spiteful righteousness because of pent up emotions such as anger/rage/annoyance/irritation/frustration/suppression/lack of consideration/disregard/ignorance/arrogance

I forgive myself for not realising the nastiness of having accepted and allowed myself to participate as righteous spitefulness within hopes/desires.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for justifying righteous spitefulness as retribution and justified vengeance as blame and belittling anyone I believe to have stood in the way to the fulfillment of my hopes and desires.

I forgive myself for not realising the ridiculousness of righteous spitefulness as self consuming bullshit that is like trying to fuck myself within my every hole.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for indulging in spiteful self righteousness in an attempt to release pent up emotions.

I forgive myself for not realising how accepted and allowed righteous spitefulness within hope and desire just manifests and compounds within myself until I effectively release spiteful righteousness with self forgiveness and allow myself to stop fucking myself from every angle and give myself instant relief by stopping to allow myself to indulge in thoughts of brutal nastiness of finger pointing blame.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising how I have abused myself extensively by accepting and allowing righteous spitefulness within myself.

I realise how I have abused myself extensively by accepting and allowing righteous spitefulness within myself.

I realise how accepted and allowed righteous spitefulness within hope and desire just manifests and compounds within myself until I effectively release spiteful righteousness with self forgiveness and allow myself to stop fucking myself from every angle and give myself instant relief by stopping to allow myself to indulge in thoughts of brutal nastiness of finger pointing blame.

I realise the ridiculousness of righteous spitefulness as self consuming bullshit that is like trying to fuck myself within my every hole.

I realise the nastiness of having accepted and allowed myself to participate as righteous spitefulness within hopes/desires.

I realise righteous spitefulness is bullshit.

When and as I see myself accepting and allowing myself to participate as righteous spitefulness, I stop, I breathe and I realise the fuckedness/bullshit/ridiculousness of accepting and allowing righteous spitefulness as I know righteous spitefulness is like fucking yourself in every orifices’.

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