I am a Blogger.
I am a Vlogger.
I blog and vlog as a point of support.
Support for myself and others in the world.
The starting point in blogging and vlogging is also a track record and statement of my process/progress in taking self-responsibility.
I see realize and understand the process of taking self-responsibility to be quite the process indeed.
Self-forgiveness is an integral part of my process of self-realization and self-responsibility here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having to an extent not really substantiated the point within myself here as, "I am a blogger and I am a Vlogger."
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to resist totally owning the point of Yes, I am a Blogger, and Yes, I am a Vlogger.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to neglect the value I see within process Blogging and Vlogging.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have hidden a suppression within myself about being a blogger and a vlogger, as like not something I would want to admit to anyone, as like a point that I accepted and allowed to be a sort of weakness...weakness from the perspective of my accepted and allowed relationship within the point and the self-judgement and fear in relationship to others as the thinking that maybe i won't have the words to explain myself or that my words might be misconstrued.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to resist owning the expression and living of myself as a Blogger and Vlogger, as these points being integral to the lifestyle in which is me here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I feared to express myself to anyone and everyone as a blogger and vlogger, to have a willingness and openness to discuss and share. And within this, I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear criticism, conflict, and ridicule.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having been very fearful about opening myself up to others in my world to tell them about myself as a blogger and vlogger, where i would rather a person for the most part discover my blog or vlog as a result of them searching for something specific that i happened to write about.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for rationalizing fears within my mind as reasoned justifications as to why I cannot have complete transparency about myself being a Blogger and Vlogger. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize and understand how I have self-righteously fogged my clarity at times within a sort of realm of superiority like thought that has been perpetuated within my very own accepted and allowed inferiority and accepted and allowed self-judgement and inadequacy. I realize and understand the ridiculousness within and as the sort of web of lies I have told myself to perpetuate peculiar points of dissonance/fear within myself.
When and as I see myself fearing to share who I am, I stop and breathe, I look at the point I am in fear about, I stand within in it, I allow myself to face it and transcend it in the moment, by in fact stopping myself to run away in reaction on a point of energy that comes up within me in a moment as the fear construction and suppression point. I commit myself to trusting in my best judgement and discernment in my moment to moment communications. I commit myself to slowing down within myself, to stop the tendency to run and hide within fear based behavior patterns where my speech/words become rushed and less than my best potential and expression and sharing of who I really am.
I commit myself to Blogging for life as a lifestyle point of who and how I am within the world here.
I commit myself to Vlogging as point just like Blogging.
I commit myself to sharing my process journey to life here within and as Blogging and Vlogging
I commit myself to reinvigorating my passion for Blogging and Vlogging.
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