"You Get What You Pay For"....Responsibility
"You Cannot Get What You are Not Willing to Pay/Give For"........Responsibility
"You Got what You Give"...."What You Give is What You Live"...Responsibility
Responsibility...."We Got It to Give"
Responsibility..."It's Ours for the Taking"
Responsibility...."It's a Decision"
"The Epitome of Creation"....Responsibility
"If You don't get what You pay for...there was a Breach in Responsibility"
Responsibility..."The Ability to Care"
Responsibility..."Response Ability"
"Our Ability to Respond"...Responsibility
"With Great Power comes Great Responsibility"
I Implore You to take on More Responsibility!
Responsibility is Life
Self-Responsibility....."A Give and Take Relationship"
Self-Responsibility...."What's best for all Life"
Responsibility is Everything
Live Responsibility
Responsibility...."The Secret to Life"
cool Mike!