I've experienced the build up sensations of like compounding energetic friction within myself as a consequences of missing presents of breath direction as like making the choice to take in so much air and release so much air within myself as well as holding as a pause between the in and the out breath.
I've come to realise effectiveness in being present/direct as physical stability as what is best for life is a result of physical particpation. I see performance as physical participations stemming from effectiveness in breathing as a living action continuous motion/rythym.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing compounding energetic friction within myself as consequences of missing presents of breath direction as like choosing not to give attention to the point of direction as making the decision as to how much air I take in and release.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking about how to breathe as like creating a mental activity about a physical activity.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for trying to separate mental and physical particpations.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding how my mental participations have been directing my physical particpations.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having difficulty in aligning and equal and one relationship with physical and mental participations.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for for trying to think if I need to have such mental particpations to exist here physically.
I forgive myself for not knowing and understanding how I would exist if I did not have any mental particpations within myself as like any form of movement within my mind as like some form of intuition as like mental gudance/feedback onto my acceptances and allowances.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowiing myself for getting overwhelmed within mental particpations after several moments of mental particpation indulgence.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for disregarding physical presence as physical participation and physical movement here as consequence of obsessing within mental projections/judgements/thoughts/analysis/observation/reaction/thinking/
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for placing self worth as greater than physical direction s as simply breathing here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for believing that I sort things out and that I must make sense of things by conitunously thinking as like I have become reliant on thinking as like a form of training wheels that steers me and provided me with a perceived sense of balance in being here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having been addicted to making sense of things within my mind through the act of thinking as like believing that I must define things always as a way to process in my mind so as to make sense of myself here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for always trying to make sense of myself here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for suppressing common sense here and therefor go into the complex vastness of making sense from various factors/perspectives/dimensions/points of consideration which appear to make sense from certain perspectives/context.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having a hard time committing to living the four count breath as who and how I am.
I commit myself to living the four count breath for a minimum of 21 days here as who and how I am as tested and proven stabilitiy and consistency within breathing 4 count breaths.
I commit myself to starting the day count over...every time I miss a 4 count breath.
I commit myself to being meticulous with my breathing awareness and to therefor make a big deal about presence of breah direction with counting.
I commit myself to completing 4 count breathing challenge of 21 days to self breathing.
I realise this exercised physical commitment participation is performance enhancing physical stability as balance and mobility as establishing practical living equality and oneness.
I commit myself to to establishing a gentle smootheness with 4 count breathing.
I commit myself to enjoying challenge of 21 day 4 count breathing.
I commit myself to stopping any and all forms of judgement as like making sense of my performance within and as 4 count breathing exercise challenge.
I commit myself to creating and establishing simplicity within and as process of walking 4 count breathing.
I commit myself to letting go of thinking as a means to focusing on physical exercise as 4 count breathing.
I commit myself to breathing this point of 21 days of four count breathing with no missed breaths into completion as a physical act of the will I am.
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