I'm writing about my relationship experiences with breath. I am in the process of learning/becoming an effective breather.
In my last blog I left off on the point, creative play as like freestyle breathing. Upon finishing my previous blog I had some reactions to saying the I would continue to expand on the point of creative play as like freestyle breathing in my next post.
My starting point of ending off my previous blog with a point to begin this blog with was from the perspective that I would investigate the point more today. It's interesting that I wanted to investigate this point more before writing about it, because I am basing the word phrase, 'creative play as like freestyle breathing' on past experiences when I was high and I felt very in tune with my breathing and I wasn't counting my breaths to make sure my giving and receiving was equal in terms of amount of time I breathed in and exhaled. I was breathing inward as much or close to as much as possible and I was holding and releasing air/breath in the same manner. The in, the out, and the hold, between the in and the out was like a sloooooooow going process,,,,I didn't rush myself in breathing...perhaps because I was high, I was more relaxed then I normaly was.
What I'm getting at is that within these breathing experiences while I was high...I experienced myself moving my body in direct specific accordance as one and equal to how I was breathing. It was like total orgasmic experiences in the sense that I was flexing various muscles at various points within breath cycle...like a rythmic dance.
So, in having brought forth this point at the end of my previous blog, I was like, I will investigate this point more as I play with my breathing today.
Today I was taking a ski exam it was day 1 of 5 and throughout the 5 days I will be evaluated and assessed on teaching and riding abilities. Early in the day, the course evaluator told me I got to relax more and be more patient because I was trying to rush my moves. This feedback relates to the point of breathing as like creative play as like a freestyled breathing, because to be an effective freestyle breather as like creative play, you are required to be relaxed and patient....like no rushing what so ever....as the fluidity as awesome rythym as perfect timing and coordination becomes like a natural physical body movement that is like an orchestra symphony from the persepctive that breathing/breath is like the maestro and the body is an accumulation of physical sound instruments in perfect alignment to produce harmonious harmonics. Therefore, as you breathe, you play...you play as you breathe....breathing and playing are not separate....they are directly corelated...like interconnected. Abilities to play/breathe as an effective means of support is related to nature of relationship as patience.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for rushing my breathing.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being in a hurry to breathe.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding the harm as form of stress placed on the body when breathing is taken for granted and breaths are wasted as consequence of shallow breathing as like exisiting in a state of fear/love as polarity energies within mind consciousness participations.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating judgements about breathing.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking I am like trying to spice up the importance/effectivenss of breathing as a means of self support as like trying to justify/validate/define the awesomeness of effective breathing.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for nto realising the starting point of all practical physical movement stems from breath as like how I move in breath is how I move in physicality.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for fearing write about investigative process of breathing as like what if I make a mistake.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for taking offense upon myself in the form of self judgement.
I realise I am in process of becoming an effective breather.
I commit myself to becoming an effective breather.
I realise Life can't be granted untill not a single breath is taken granted.
I realise life is suppressed as long as breath is suppressed.
I commit myself to stopping breath suppression as like shallow rushed/anxious breathing.
I commit myself to giving attention as patience to each breath.
When and as I see myself missing a breath as like making a mistake in rushing my breathing as consequence of thinking...I stop and breathe...as I realise the ridiculousness of freaking out about the point I am faced with a becoming the solution.
I commit myself to becoming a living expression as solution which is best for all life.
I realise I am in process of becoming solution which is best for all life.
I realise each being is part of solution as what is best for life
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