I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for existing as a perceptual dream expectations character.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding a perceptual dream expectations character is like three character in 1 as like a perception character and an expectation character and a dream character all personify the makeup of a perceptual dream expectations character.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding words association as like different words always connecting to a word to explain the word as like a word always being dependent upon attachments as like a form of reliance as like needing other words to support the living of one word.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for connecting word associations as the basis of creating myself here as a perceptual dream expectations character.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for participating as a perceptual dream expectation character as consequence of conencting word associations to each word as perceptual dream expectations characters as polarity charged energies.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding how I perpetuated the existance of myself as a perceptual dream expectation s character as consequence of particpating within conflict/friction as polarity chages energy as like the starting point of my movement, seeing, exisitng here within and as the chatracter that is pushed and pulled as impulses as pre defined accepted and alowed polarized word relationships as me participlaying/playing out experiences of myself as perceptual dream expectations character.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding how I have been existing as a self fulfilling propechy as a perceptual dream expectations character from the starting point of negative energy as the root of polarized enregy that manifests the weed of positive energy experiences due to perpetuating the root of the problem here as negative polarity charged energy friction/conflict/abuse/ignorance/disregard/possession/programming/mind consciousness system.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for perpetuating the existence here as a negative/positive polarity charged energized friction/conflict/abuse/ignorance/disregard/poession/programming/mind consciousness system.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding how addicted I have been to creating experiences of myself within and as a perceptual dream expectations character as like always chasing and expecting to cath my dreams based on the energetically perceptualized relationships I have creating from the starting point of separation.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself the starting point of existing as a perceptual dream expectations character to be that of self interested greedy self righteousness as the mantra attitude chasing after creation of desired experiences as specific conflict/friction levels within myself as mind consciousness programming as self inlicted abuse and disregard for living well being as what is best for all life as the solution.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for trying to think of justifications as to provide myself validation as like a self deceptive insurance that I can believe in to generate a feeling rooted in fear that will feel good as like a love energy that will be mind consiousness system comfirmation activation life enslavement.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for enslaving myself within my mind as mind consciousness system programming as like a constant in game reaction simulation based on myself created relationship programming as words asssocitation with pictures as word meanings from as starting point of separation as manifested friction/conflict/split from and as life as equality and oneness as common sense physical hereness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating perceptual dream expectations character as like a form of protection as like insure my fulfillment of energized addictions as desired buzz.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for reacting to stepping out of energy suit as illusionary personified presence here as perceptual dream expectations character.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for fearing to operate free from fear as energy body suit and various character roles and developmental play outs as consequence of competition/conflict/friction as mind consciousness programming.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for perpetuating abuse within myself by fearing to take self responsibility for energy addiction personified character developmental play outs as mind consciousness system programming automated existence.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for reacting to discomfort in stepping out of character as like to remove the veil of automated mind consciousness fear programming as perceptual fream expectations character.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for facing fear from within a deceptive starting point as actual fear as like a friction to fear itself and therfore attempting to face fear from as starting point of hoping that if I face all fear than fear will be no more. I forgive myself for not realising that I am standing as less than fear itself when I allow myself to hope to release and remove fear ansd I am perpeutating an inferior relationship with fear as like being in fear of myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising the fear in accepting and allowing inferiority or superiority.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for hiding and submitting to fear controls behaviour consitioning automnated reactionary survival instinctive responses.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for always hoping that I can be fulfilled so that I no longer require to be fulfilled. I forgive myself for not realising and understanding how I have created unfillment mask and disguise by accepting and allowing myself to exist as a perceptual dream expectations character.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding the importance of prevention as like knowing how to prevent the perpetuation of polarity frictioned personified conflict as characterization rooted in competition as like disagreement as to who gets the starring role of energy consumer as physical abuser.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for dwelling on experiences of discomfort when walking solution as not going there as there being into the depths of reactions/thought/thinking/feeling/emotion as energy possessed state as being like out of body as consequence of energy pushes and pulls on physical life substance.
I realise I am in the process of getting back in my body as physical here as like I have allowed myself to exist as an illusion of physical presence here as like being a sleep/not present within myself as physical director here. I realise this as consequence of being in my mind as separate from being in my body as like existing less than physicality here as make belief perceptual dream expectations character.
I realising practicing and living practice as stopping to go there as there being into my mind as like thought of a thought reacting to reaction as thought/feeling/emotion/experience/thinking/programming/mind consciousness here.
I realise my mind consciousness system here is like a feed back system mirror tool of support for me here to see where and how I have created discrepancies within myself as like polarized energetic friction as fear within my structural resonance alignment as my sound signature here.
I realise to birth myself as life from and as the physical, I am in process of harmonzing sound signature as equality and oneness as like I am removing/releasing all disharmmony as disease so that disease as disharmony exist no more.
I realise the word associations diss, harm, money within the word disharmony reflects an abusive relationship.
I realise harmony reflects the sound, 'our money' as like a sharing of life assistance and support and to sound harmoney as harm money is a disharmony as like, diss our money...as money as debt as suffering and abuse...as like perceptual dream expectations character.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding how I created the perceptual dream expectations character from within and as disharmony here as life suppression/depression/greed/suffering.
I realise myself responsibility here as life harmony can only be accessed through taking self responsibility for my accepted and allowed disharmonies that are reflected to me through my mind consciousness system feed back tool of self exposed dissharmonies.
I realise I don't actually know life harmony because I forgot myself as life harmony here along time ago when I started particpating within the mind consciousness system of manifested disharmoney
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself fro blaming the mind fo my manifested disharmoneies here. I forgive myself fo rnot taking self responsibility for my mind of disharmony here as polarized energy friction.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for blaming the mind as separate from me as the point of self responsibility.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for perpetuating mindful expression as polarized energy.
I realise the importance of releasing word association charges as accepted and allowed polarized conflict dependencies as a deceitful guise of false balance based on a feeling.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for exisiting as a perceptual dream expectations character as holding onto word association relationship charges as accepted and allowed polarized conflict dependencies as a deceitful guise of false balance based on a feelling.
I realise I am the solution as prevention of physical abuse by commiting myself to releasing accepted and allowed physical abusive enslavements from within myself as polarized word/picture relationship associations as likes and dislike based on feelings.
I realise patience is required in moving through points of discomfort as releasing/stopping particpation within reactions as pushes as as like wanting/desiring to move forward into mindful possession as like believing in the fulfilment of perceptual dream expectations as like desiring and wanting to be pulled on as consequence of accepting and allowing self to be pushed into energetic experience.
I forgive myself for not realising the source of conflict that exists within me as like a pushing and pulling on my physicality here from within the starting point of fear as mind consciousness programming controlled directions as systematic enagagement of tug of war as like pushing myself away and pulling myself back...and I forgive myself for not realiing how I disregard the physical act of pulling air into myself and pushing air out of myself and how this physical act is taking for granted when I allow my mind to direct me with energteic pushes and pulls.
I commit myself to stop pushing and pulling myself out of breath awareness and into mind consciousness possession as like particpating in process of self consumption as physical abuse perpetuation.
I commit myself to become patience as breath awareness playfullness ease as like a breeze as easy going self willed perpetuated momentum as self commit to walk process as solution as what is best for life.
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