So, this blog post is coming a day later than I initially intended. I made note of the point that I had been building such momentum with my blogging as like having created a big streak without missing a day of blogging....and within my mind I kind of made a big deal about this as like to exacerbate the situation by giving engergetic praise to the point. So, I recognise that I had a desire to blog everyday and that this desire to blog everyday had stemmed from the fear of missing a like me fucking up in creating a like not being able to walk a commitment effectively. Within this, I was comparing my present performance to my past performance. Also, I see that the point of self doubt existed within myself as like the reasoning as to why I would create praise for having consistency within my blogging in terms of the dilligence to be able to produce a blog to share saily as a point of support for myself and others.
This point that has come up about blogging consistency and dilligence in application and comparing past performance to present present performance directly relates/inter-relates/corelates with and as my relationship with breathing and my recent focus within my blogging as writing out and exposing the breathing process as establishing consistency and dilligence in perfromance as effective breathing here as an active physical particpation, I see how I have made a big deal about breathing from the starting point of judgement and comparison as like to compare past performances of myself as like having had difficulty and not been very effective with dilligence and consistency with breathing effectively as a self directive physical act.
So, I see how I had influenced and created my future here as a result of my past and present acceptances and allowances and that it is the link between the past and the present that creates the future.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for holding onto past judgement of past performances about myself as like a negatively energized criticisms.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding how it is not effective as a means of self support to hold onto polarized energies as self judgement with regards to previous interactions/participations here...and that the point of living self like giving self the release from being tied to the past in way that is not supportive as polarized energetic friction.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding that if I accept and allow polarized energetic friction to exist within myself that the future is certain as polarized energetic friction exposed.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for fearing to miss a day of blogging as a giving and receiving of self support.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for doubting my ability to walk the point of dilligence within the application of daily blogging as an acto of giving like I like to receive.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating a positive energetic buzz within myself for having established more consistency within my blogging than I had previously established.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for desiring to be effective in my daily particpation with blogging...and within this point I forgive myself for not realising the point of fear as as desire being a derivative of fear as like exposing to me self the desire to be effective in my blogging comes from the starting point that I have not been effective and desiring to be better than I am as like hoping I havent yet walked the point through of effectiveness in daily blogging without missing a day...and within this...I forgive myself for not realising the point that as I forgive myself and correct a mistake...I start again...and I realise that I am walking process and to judge the performance of my walking may inhibit my walking for a moment as that is causing me to think more about what and how I am existing which is like a step back to facilitate to steps I realise the point of support from learning from mistakes.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for judging my breathing performances from within and as the starting of reactional criticism as like self induced limitation.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising the practical point of support of just breathing here as like stopping immediately points of inner dialogue within myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating a competition within myself towards breathing and blogging and every thing I participate within from the perspective of experience as either being positive or negative or neutral as like being feeling charges as positive energy, emotionally charged as negative energy or kind of like a blend between negative and positive with and as the experience of indifference.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having difficulty in living the point of equality in being here with myself as like not moving from the starting point of polarized energy as self induced friction/conflict within myself as like fear/desire.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for dwelling on mistakes as like a point of agony that I have perpetuated in the present as like the pain of carrying the past with me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising how I have jeopardized future as equality and oneness as what's best for life by holding onto past of conflict/friction as less than whats's best.
I commit myself to dropping the weight of the past as like holding onto useless knowledge and information as judgement as polarized friction/confict.
I commit myself to living as a point of competiion as a point of self support as like enhanicng self nourishment/nature well being.
I commit myself to excellerating momentum within process as like realising myself as the source of mass here and that my abilities and capabilites of excellerating quickly here are directly related to my effectiveness in self forgiving myself as like dropping weight/suppression/baggage that isnt supportive in moving and grooving here as like equality and oneness as the epitome of self honesty and self trust which is relative common sense as it is the same for me as it is the same for you because it's all relative and were all relatives.
I commit myself to unbderstanding, realising and directing myself as force as like moving myself as mass in a centred mobile stance as like correct posture as like the epitiome of equality and oneness.
I commit myself to balance as like an equal giving and receiving as like taking in and holding and giving and holding in the same fashion as like smooth effortless breathing/skiing/snowbaording/talking/....whatever I am particpating within and as here.
When and as I see myself accepting and allowing myself to critque a point within myself as like a form of polarized judgement, I stop and breathe...and I accept and allow myself to dissipate charge/weight I am holding onto that is not necessary for me to hold onto.
When and as I see myself accepting and allowing myself reacting to my experience/performance of myself here, I stop and breathe and I accept and allow myself to see the humour as the ridiculousness in accepting a polarized relationship within myself and therfore I stop the perpeutation of polarized relationhip friction within myself by effective application of self forgiveness and self corrective statements as to further intsill self realisation into self perfection as living solution here as equality and oneness
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