I Commit myself to not take personally all righteous agreements I've participated within as starting point terms of my relationships here.
I commit myself to stop particpating in relationships outlined/structured/formed as righteous agreements.
I commit myself to continue to work through realisation of righteous acceptances and allowances within myself.
I commit myself to stopping the perpetuation of righteousness within myself as perpetuating the conflict between good and evil as polarized energetic friction as an unequal agreement/relationship that is not best for all parties involved with ther terms of relationship/agreement.
I commit myself to stop hiding from realisations of accepted and allowed righteousness as I realise the ridiculousness of hiding from realisations of righteousness is in fact an act of righteousness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding the deceitfulness of self justified righteous behaviours.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding how disapointed I have been with myself for perpetuating righteous acts as consequence of hiding from accountability of all acts/behaviours of righteousness.
I forgive myself for not realising and seeing therfore in all ways in which I manipulated myself with justified actions of righteous behaviour as a means to protect the conservation of myself as a greedy character from the starting point of fearing to loss my self created righteous status as a perpetuator of agreement to greed as a form of self religion as operating from the starting point of greedy relations where I believe I can profit from situations as like experiencing a gain as like a rise in energy/credit/money as a desired outcome experience as justification of my righteousness that is validated by the good feelings I am experiencing.
I forgive myself for attempting to hide my accepted and allowed inherent evil nature as a greedy character within and throughout acts of righteousness as like a delusional form of self hypnosis that inforces the suppression of physicality here as consequences of particpating within and as a make belief reality of good versus evil...where in I fragment myself into different parts/personalities/pieces as like an artificially balanced equilibrium which is justified within and as righteous self interest out of fear of consequence for not acting within and as righteous indignation.
I forgive myself for not realising I have been perpetuating righteous indignation as consequence of reacting to seeing the realisation of myself as fragmented/separated from the totality of myself as who as equality and oneness as harmonious balance as the best picks/choices as the solution(s) that are always best life support here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding that the ability to make the best picks/choices in each moment as what is best for all life has been compromised in favour of greedy self righteous justifications as denial/avoidance/fear of facing consequence of accepted and allowed nastyness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for trying to protect my ego as greedy righteous self interested justications so that I can remain on a pedestal and not actually release myself from pain and suffering as consequence of my ego as greedy righteous self interested justifications.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being addicted to the anger that goes along with greedy righteous self interest which I have used to abuse and manipulate myself with intellignet beliefs I created through making sense of information from within and as a starting point of asserting and justifying continuation and validation of goodness as egoic behaviour manifested in the action of and as greedy self righteous self interested justification.
I forgive myself for not realising the consequence of accepting and allowing myself to exist as ego perosnalities of greedy self righteous indignation as like perpetuating war within me and around me as like crazy ridiculousness as like challenging myself to a dual as like exisiting in all the different angled perspective as separate from equality and oneness as the whole collective here as like the big picture and not just a specific dot on the canvas.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that I am helpless to stopping myself from exisiting as greedy self righteousness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding how I have perpetuated the abuse as consequence of the outflow of greedy self righteousness with the justification/excuse/validation that I am helpless to stopping greedy self rightouesness.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding myself as the key to me in always here as assistance and support in releasing accepted and allowed limitation as consequence of complicating the simplicity of common sense practical living and application as walking through consequence as solution to consequence till here no further consequence exists
I realise the ridiculousness of perpetuating unnecessary consequence as like consequence that could be prevented by walking in every moment pracitcal living process of self realisation with brutal self honesty, self trust, and self forgiveness as tools to facilitate physical actions directed breath by breath in releasing myself from sin as inherent evil.
I realise the vast amount of physical assistance and support that is here as self reflection as a means of self correction as self responsibility in facing accepted and allowed fuckedness as conditioning that is less than what is best for life.
I realise my reactions are like an indicator to me as points of self reflections as manifested suppressions that I don't realise and understand and therfore my reactions is the opportunity to realise and understand self suppression here and in the moment do a practical self corrections so as to change the programming within myself to be in alignment with what is best for life.
I realise as I continue breathing, breath by breath and I commit myself to developing my specificity as disciplined self willed commitment to self perfection, the end of imperfection is inevitable as the becoming of self perfection here.
I realise the comedic irony within and as self righteous agreement as agreed greed as like think hard retard mental masturbation mentality that is perpetuated from the starting point of competing against one self here as the most righteous agreed upon point. I forgive myself for not realising myself as the tragic hero as like killing myself to save myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding the lose lose situation of and as righteous agreements as agreed greed as being agreed in greed as like sharing the equality and oneness in greed as like a delusional sleep fucking of oneself as like an innocent suicide from the perspective of not realising and understanding the harm one is doing to one self here.
I realise that it is my self responsibility and self commitment to stop patterns of deliberate abuse as I see and realise this to be act of of assisting and supporting myself as and within self intimacy so that I am able and capable of living the principle of treating beings like I like being treated.
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