I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having self sabotaged myself with attitude of "I don't feel like it" as a self validated justification/excuse/reason for not doing something.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having tailored my participations to feelings and emotions as like being pushed into something because of an accepted and allowed positive buzz or being repelled to doing something because of a negative enregy buzz.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being self righteous within the attitude of picking and choosing what I will particpate within based on the starting point of feeling.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising the ridiculousness of allowing myself to making decisions based on some form of back chat as thought/feeling/emotion as like an energy force within myself that has been given weight based on how much attention I have projected towards the subject and how it is alligned with my already programmed self interests.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having avoided facing the reality of instability by operating from within the attitude of, "I don't feel like it".
I realise the self imposed limitations as consequence of existing within a self righteous attitude of operating according to self interests based on 'feeling it' or not 'feeling it'.
I realise the abuse that is caused as neglect as a result of operating according to self interest based on feeling. Our shared reality is evidence.
I realise when and as a point emerges within myself as like a form of backchat as like pushing me towards doing or not doing something...I stop and breathe and let go of this point and realise I direct the force within myself and therfore take responsibility for self willed direction as equality and oneness from within starting point of common sense simplicity.
I commit myself to not go there as like accepting and allowing backchat to self direct myself.
I commit myself to stop giving into force within myself as accepted and allowed back chat.
I commit myself to expose the ridiculousness of backchat/self talk/feeling/emotion.
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