Continuing from Day 184 and Day 183. Read previous days posts for context here.
I realise the ridiculousness of belief and believing in future projections such as so called prophecies like the mayan calendar and other doomsday scenarios.
I realise how I had accepted and allowed myself to desire to buy into mayan prophecies with belief as time spent in my mind thinking about how I could benefit myself from the perspective of self interest and greed from within a stance of self righteousness as how believing in this information could work to advantage as to position myself in such aways where I project superior intelligence and I have a justified excuse and validation for not requiring to take real responsibility for the future because I believe in the prophecy and that things are set in stone.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding how believing in prophecies is greedy and self righteous and apathetic as like justifying and excusing any and all resposnibility here for the current situations that exist on the earth.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding that by participating within belief about prophecies is like a total shutdown within self as self willed directed movement because it's like accepting and allowing the attitude/belief that there is nothing I can do here to influence the future to circumvent the prophecy from happening.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding how belief within religion has been created as scape goat to perpetuate the belief that individuals are incapable of standing together and facilitating great change on the planet that is best for all life in all ways.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding that belief is like a form of fiction that is given so much attention within the hope that it is true that after holding onto the belief for so long, one starts to trust within the belief...because it feels right.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not considering, realising , and understanding that my feelings are aligned within myself from and as the perspective of greedy self righteousness and that to act according to my feelings is to abdicate being here as a being who is interested in walking through consequence and learning to chose consequence as what is best for all life here as to exist within the time of consequence and prove effective at always making the best picks for all life here as to minimize the harm that is caused as consequence.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding that I have always been attracted to people who believe like having faith and trust within me...because it's like they are convinced of my greateness,..even if I am not.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding that the fear associations within greed and belief as like an interwoven and intricate lie that has many dimensions/facets of self deception as justification/judgement from the perspective of perpetuating self righteousness from the perspective of greed through and as particpation within belief as mechanism for dealing with fear of loss.
I commit myself to letting go of beliefs.
I commit myself to exposing the ridiculousness of beliefs.
I commit myself to exposing greedy self rightiousness where there is belief/believer's.
I commit myself to exposing the weakness of mind as fear perpetuation within and as the acceptance and allowance of belief.
I commit myself to letting go of any and all desires for people to believe me.
I commit myself for having desired and wanted people to believe in me and have faith in me.
I commit myself to stopping participating within beliefs from the perspective of forming oppinions/judgements based on having an investment within a paticular outcome where I benefit.
I commit myself to stop perpetuating mind fuckedness as a believer character here.
I commit myself to letting go of negative energetic reactions when I see and here people projecting the mantra of believe and the power of belief.
note: I was just looking for a picture to post and I came across a cool blog and here is an excerpt from the blog
"The problem with all belief systems is that they can condition us in how we think, what we say, how we act, what clothes we wear, foods we eat, how we vote, how we treat those who do not share our belief system, etc. and all are contradictory to the basic human freedom to be and partake of the openness of life itself. To sustain themselves, belief systems need followers and the followers need to distinguish themselves by dressing the same, using rituals and rites, eating certain foods, having creeds, bibles or constitutions, meeting together to agree in public with the beliefs that are shared: often there is flag waving, grand celebrations, declarations of strength, sometimes suicide pacts, Liturgies, orgies, hierarchies, and collections of donations for the cause and so on. It all seems a colossal waste of time to me."
This is quoted from the following blog:
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