"Slow down, so you can see more of what is here"
Hanging out with family and friends is a great opportunity to test yourself. The emotional feedback you get from family and friends will in most instances be stronger than that of strangers. Note: by emotional feedback, i am specifically referring to the reactions that come up in our own mind, as like what gets to us in one way or another where we are triggered.
When you allow yourself to slow down enough to specifically identify the reactions/triggers that come up in the mind, there is great potential to change the relationship dynamics in the moment, a real time change. What is interesting here is that it is a matter of self-recognition as our mirrored self-reflection here within and as our word and world. See, traditionally within and as points of mind ego, We are reacting to the information we see.....what is interesting about this, is that we are in fact so close to the point of self-correction......self-identifying our own bullshit here. See, in seeing bullshit about another, so much so, this bullshit that is getting to us, is a reflection of our own bullshit we are hiding from.
So, in recognizing what points cause stimulation within ourselves...as like a sort of emotional or feeling reaction, where we are desiring to act out our release.....like we just got to say or do something....like, we are possessed to do so....the experience of we just got to do it.
Now in some instances, we can see and recognize the experience within ourselves and we stop our selves from playing out the bullshit, but we leave it there. This is a cool starting point...the stopping the play out of the reaction...BUT, it is cool to keep on with the slow down approach and actually go into the specifics of the self-recognition here....the particulars of the vocabulary/points that are a bothersome/burden/stress/conflict.
See, in slowing down enough to look at the scope of the relationship dynamics of a situation, one's whole world changes....because it's like going from a tunnel vision perspective to a holistic perspective. Reconnecting, Remembering a piece of ourselves here.
A practical support point in looking at things is this: Identify a point of friction, specifically see the judgement that comes up as a particular word or words dictating/defining a frame of mind. In seeing our shit come up within ourselves...we can in the moment forgive ourselves, and so Learn the point in real time...because what opens up when we self-forgive a point of accepted and allowed separation, is that we realize and see things that have always been here that we just couldn't/didn't/wouldn't/weren't getting to See here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for holding onto judgments that come up within my mind within social situations that keep me in a state of possession and limit my ability to be sensitive and receptive to others in a way that is complimentary and gentle as the best support here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to speak bullshit as a result of speaking form the starting point of feeling/emotion possession.
I forgive myself for not realizing and understanding how my own thinking is what perpetuates conflict in my world, because my thoughts present to me my accepted and allowed thought patterns..., the specifics of what i have built up over time within my body as the emotions and feelings i have formed impressions about in my body as the specifics of the self-definition picture frame of mind. I realize and understand the self-corrective process in taking the time to see the High definition picture formation relationships i have constructed within my world through various lenses of ego superiority/inferiority relationship acceptances and allowances. I commit myself to equalizing myself with all Life here, by purifying my thoughts/words/deeds. I commit myself to self-forgiving and self-correcting points of ego that come up within my mind. I realize my mind and environment are fantastic support structures here. I commit myself to utilizing all the support and assistance I have here to in fact develop and create the best version of myself here.
I forgive myself for not realizing and understanding how I miss the humor of my own accepted and allowed ridiculous, my mistakes, when and as i resist slowing down to look at things for real, and in fact, take my time here. I realize the irony of not taking my time, is that fact that i do not have any time, that my life has no substance. Ironically, i see how it is an individual self-responsibility to make time for ourselves here. I see and realize our time as a shared commodity/privilege/potential here. I realize our creation potential and learning capacity is within making time here, because it is within slowing down and taking the time to look and see, that we can actually recognize what is here, what is going on, and how best to contribute to the world here.
I realize that, in taking the time to investigate the specifics/particulars of our word/world relationships here,..., the more we do so, the more we have to share/give. Ironically, we have more to share when we take the time to look and see what we got to give...and within this, it is quite fascinating to see how awesome it is to share something we really worked on make real here. This is a fascinating realization of our self-development here, because it is taking the time to develop the particular dynamics of ourselves here, the more easily we can relate and share the best possible support with others here. I mean, giving the best gifts, is fucking awesome, nobody wants a terrible gift. so it's a matter of taking our time, slowing down to see for real.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the extent to which i have skewed my ability to see for real here in every moment. I realize that my perception is skewed when i allow my point of view to be tainted within and as the energy of reactionary thought. I realize and understand how the moment of reactionary thought can be a sort of tipping point to getting to the point of focus and clarity within and as myself here. I see and realize the focal pivot point of the energy of thought, a stepping stone of support in identifying the specifics of a personal weakness that is here in and as opportunity to become a real strength of my character/expression in Life here. I commit myself to the identification process of the specifics of the energy movements that come up within me as thought. I commit myself to utilizing all my thoughts as tools of support in strengthening my vision here in seeing the world with real eyes here, without filters as particular energetic biases that are self-destructive.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize the self-destruction within and as Ego.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting to let go of ego.
I forgive myself for not realizing the irony within resisting to let go of ego, the fact and point of Slowing Down,..taking the time to see what I am doing here.
I commit myself to slowing down and looking at what I am doing here.
I commit myself to seeing what I am accepting and allowing here.
I commit myself to taking the time to learn from what I see here.
I commit myself to taking the time to relate to everything here.
I commit myself to listening to everything here.
I commit myself to sharing the best of myself here.
I commit myself to taking the time to create the best of myself here.
I commit myself to living the slow down realization of creation here as a point of slowing down in order to move more quickly as the self-direction of myself here in all ways.
I commit myself to slowing down and taking my time with family and friends, I realize reactions are an indicator of being insensitive to slowing down and seeing family/friends as me here in another life. I commit myself to facing the truth of myself in my participation's with family and friends.
I commit myself to sharing the results of my realizations within slowing down and taking the time to look at things for real. I commit myself to letting my sharing of my realizations come through as part of my living expressions here.
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