Competition sounds like "Come Petition...and Calm Petition."
If your look at Competition from a starting point of "Participation" and "Performance", You can see that Stellar Participation and Performance is Synonymous with being/becoming "Calm".
It's interesting to notice how errors and mistakes mostly happen within a momentary blip of losing one's cool as being all together Calm Cool and Collected.
This "Calmness" I speak of here, is without conflict and is rooted in the equality and oneness of sound stability Here. No emotion and or feeling need exist because the Awesomeness of Physical Self Expression is a Performance and Participation Here beyond the veils and limitations of any and all emotion and feeling.
Emotion and Feeling is the Mind Fuck of Competition which yields less than Stellar results.
Justifying emotion and feeling within Competition perpetuates an indefinite defeat. The irony here is that there is only ever Self-defeat...and it is always all ways Self-Induced.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having previously correlated Competition with the highs and lows of feelings and emotions...and within this...associated the high feelings with winning and the low emotions with losing...and within this, I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing the absurd ridiculousness of self-inducing a mind fuck in regards to the word "competition".
I forgive myself for accepting and and allowing myself for perpetuating conflict within myself as a result of and as the way I accepted and allowed the word "Competition" to exist within myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having resisted to take the time to investigate my relationship within and as "Competition"
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how Competition enhances and accelerates self-reflection/self-development/self-perfection.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for negating the creative construction of and as the word "Competition".
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the starting point of Competition existing beyond any emotion and or feeling. I see/realize and understand the self-trust/self-honesty/self-forgiveness required to effectively live the word "Competition" as a physical self-expression of Who, How, and Why I am Here.
When and as I see myself looking to justify fear within competition, I stop and breathe, I see/realize and understand the self-induced trauma of self-inflicting fear upon myself to invoke particular reactions. I see/realize/understand that I am best able to respond when I do not accept and allow myself to be restrained in fear.
When and as I see myself starting to take pleasure in another's misfortune, I stop and breathe, I see/realize and understand how Sportsmanship, Integrity and Humbleness are synonymous within and as the practical living application of the word "Competition".