Day 369 Noam Chomsky Memory

A bunch of years ago I was offended when Noam Chomsky said,
“who cares” in reference to who is to blame/is responsible for 9/11 terrorists
attacks…and also made a similar point of reference with regards to the
assassination of JFK. During this time frame I was studying conspiracies like a
religion and the common theme was to position blame as like the main player who
is at fault. So when Chomsky said who cares as like what difference does it
make if it’s joe, bob steve or
like the Taliban or the mafia…or the spaghetti monsters…the point being it
What I then did was conspire within my mind that Noam Chomsky
must be talking shit…as like how can anyone not point the finger within blame?
I forgive myself for
accepting and allowing myself fro not realising and understanding the
brilliance of Noam Chomsky.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not
realising and understand my offense and defense of nature as like existing
within and as blame as like being lame in justifying the finger being pointed
at another as like being more responsible than any one else…as like a point of
debt…as like someone having to pay the heavy tool fee for the consequence of
things…as like it seemed like the easy solution and remedy situation…as to
pigeon hole someone as the lone culprit while everyone else can be innocent. I
realise and understand that within this particular frame of thinking that there
is an absence of real problem solving…as like to blame and point the finger is
to advert attention away from the problem…myself…as like disregarding myself
and others within the equality equation here…and placing the power/responsibility
within a few as the consequence of accepting and allowing myself to be lame
within blame.
I realise and understand the simplicity of looking at
problems and reflecting the point back to myself as the problem as I am the
problem and the solution…as like the question and the answer and the reward…and
utilizing this premise I create simplistic reasoning to bring about best result
responses because I remove blame from the equation and place myself as the
source of creation.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for
having been jealous of Noam Chomsky.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for for
being Jealous of Noam Chomsky fro being so well regarded and listened to for
talking about world problems.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for
desiring to be a public figure that discusses world problems and brings
forth/shares solutions to world problems as simple common sense reasoning based
upon placing self within a point of and as directive responsibility as the
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