Day 363 Hesitation

He Sits at a Tie On.
I've been a little bit hesitant this evening to writing my
blog and doing some school work. In my previous blog I scripted some assistance
and support to facilitate the process of doing Desteni Work and School work. I
see my hesitation as a point of self-dishonesty as it’s like I’ve been waiting
for a thought to come up within myself as like how to direct me…as like being
hesitant to move myself within and as responsibilities. I see the hesitation
has been like a stalling…like a waiting like because there’s some resistance in
me to moving within the point of self-honesty.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not
realising and understanding hesitation to be an indicator of self-dishonesty as
like stalling/waiting/postponing/procrastination/resistance/self-sabotage…essentially
a mind fuck as a result of conflicting points being accepted and allowed within
my mind.
I realise and understand hesitation to be an indicator of
self-dishonesty as like stalling/waiting/postponing/procrastination/resistance/self-sabotage…essentially
a mind fuck as a result of conflicting points being accepted and allowed within
my mind.
When and as I see myself hesitating, I stop and breathe, I
realise a point of conflict within myself as like accepted and allowing self-dishonesty
within myself…I direct myself to remove the conflict and move from
self-dishonesty to self-honesty.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not
realising and understanding that hesitation comes up within me as like a point
of uncertainty as like a lack of self-trust and self-honesty….and that with
self-trust and self-honesty there is no need for hesitation as actions and
words become certain as simple obvious common sense.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not
realising and understanding that things are not always seen by me as obvious
commons sense simplicity when I am existing within and as self-dishonesty.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not
realising and understanding how self-dishonesty is complicated and self-honesty
is simple.
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