I started examining sexual innuendo's a little more closely...from the perspective that I was looking at the reasoning behind why I have participated within sexual innuendo's so much. The reasoning is because it's an energy buzz...it's like taking advantage of sex being regarded as taboo and dirty and nasty and like a far off topic that is a joke to discuss and talk about openly...and it's like encouraged the uncomfortable secretiveness of sex.
I realize I was taught to believe that sex is something taboo and secretive and a private matter.
I never really considered the magnificence and marvelousness of sex...well maybe I did a little bit...but I still held onto the belief and conditioning/programming that sex is something taboo and private and an uncomfortable topic to discuss.
Today I realized, holy shit...I've been perpetuating the disregard and suppression of sex and the marvelous magnificence which encompasses sex. I realized I've perpetuated brainwashed programming about sex by playing and fucking around with the accepted and allowed brainwashing about sex...as like a cheap trick...like prostituting my words for a quick energy high, as sexual innuendo's play on peoples brainwashing about sex and create an energetic response as which is often a polarized positive energetic reaction. I didn't consider that it has been very demonic, evil, nasty, and abusive of me to deliberately choose my words in such a way as to manipulate the simplicity of words.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for manipulating words to channel a high energy reaction from other human beings as their reactions.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding that others reactions to sexual innuendo's reflects my reactions to sexual innuendo's.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself fro manipulating myself and others to experience a cheap trick as temporary buzz as an energy high.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for manipulating myself and others to such an extent that I had no regard for the well being of all of existence here and that my manipulation tactics were based from the starting point of self interest as a greedy self righteous energy addiction.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for perpetuating the brainwashing within myself that sex is something taboo and uncomofrtable to be vulnerable and open about and that it is a topic that is out of bounds unless one is looking for a quick high.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for trying to manipulate women with sexual innuendo's by turning and twisting their words to mean sex with me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for believing that I can have sex with any woman so long as I properly manipluate them with my words in such a way that they believe they want and desire to have sex with me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for disregarding my body and therefore the earth and every other human being's body as consequence of accepting and allowing myself for disregarding my body.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing sexual innuendo's is like choosing to be a cannibal as like feeding off the physical by thirstying for and desiring experiences of positive energy and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the attitude that I will do and say anything so that other human beings disregard their well being so that we can all experience the cheap trick as self consumption for energetic high experience.
I forgive myself for not realizing and understanding how greedy and righteous I have been within and as words.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for abusing words for self interest purposes of trying to fulfill myself within positive energetic experiences of power/greed/self righteousness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising how greedy and selfish I have been within communication here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for particpating within actions without considering the consequences of my actions.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for disregarding whether each and every single action is a living action of self love as equality and oneness or if my action is based in asserting and proclaiming self righteousness and greed.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for perpetuating much harm and disregard within existence as consequence of persistent participation within sexual innuendo's from and as a greedy self righteous starting point as desiring to be in a position of power.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for desiring to be in a position of power where supoeriority is justified and asserted and I forgive myself for not realising that my actions have directly supported/perpetuated and justified the acceptance and allowance of greedy self righteous energy possessions here.
I realise the fuckedness of sexual innuendo's as like a cheap trick that is based in a con of consciousness as like a self deceptive manipulation tactic that is rooted in evil/nastyness.
I realise the nastyness if perpetuating energy highs because I realise that the energetic high comes as consequence of the accepted and allowed inner separation as the energetic low.
I realise my thinking has been from a starting point of greedy self righteousness as how I can channel energetic high experiences through manipulating what is here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having no regard and compassion for all life here.
I realise all relationships here are pretty much the result of brainwashing.
I realise fucking around with people's brainwashing is deceptive and is not how I would like to be treated.
I realise educating and assisting and supporting others in a gentle manner as a gentleman is how I would like to be treated and approached about self hypnosis and brainwashing.
I realise the importance of always reflecting every point back upon myself to make sure I do not cause separation as consequence of not realising and understanding myself here.
I realise sex is marvelous and magnificent.
I commit myself to sharing my mistakes so that others may realise their mistakes....and I realise by placing myself as a practical physical example here...I avoid pointing the finger and creating blame because I allow myself to stand within and as self responsibility and therefore outline practical living solution.
I commit myself to being humble within sharing awesomeness of self realisations and practical solutions as self corrections which facilitate self perfection as practical living equality and oneness here.
I commit myself to embracing position of self responsibility as a being here who cares about all life here.
I commit myself to developping communication which is always best.
I commit myself to slow down within communication to make sure that I am not allowing myself to get hooked on an energetic reaction within my words as like self induced hypnosis/buzz/possession.
I commit myself to speaking equality and oneness as the realisation I am the living words and how I say what I say is how I play with what I say and that the only acceptable way to play is in a way which is best for all life here.
I commit myself to becoming a representaitve of all life here as a being merged together within my body and mind as equality and oneness as the practical living solution that is always best for life here.
I commit myself to letting go of positive energetic charges in relationship to sex and sexual acts.
I commit myself to becoming realy physical sex here as equality and oneness.
I commit myself to living patience within learning as key to self enjoyment here as self realisation and self corrective actions.
check out this specifc blog for further perspective on sexual innuendo's
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