An interesting point worth regarding: Each One is the practical living solution.
This means, that the solution as equality and oneness as what is best for all life here, exists within me. I am the answer, the question, and the process here.
So, in moments of's really a ridiculous acceptance and allowance...because I am the key to each of us hold the key to the kingdom of heaven so to each of us here is required to unlock the doors of perception/awareness with self honesty and self trust in the moment in allowing ourselves access to the totality of ourselves here.
So, I recognised that for me to feel stuck, overwhelmed, perplexed within process is in fact greedy as an act of self sabotage as like a choosing to go into my mind and particpate within accepted and allowed thoughts as judgement possessions that take on various dimensions of fears within the realm of either emotion or feeling.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding that I have been limitting myself access to myself as the practical living solution here as what is best for all life as equality and oneness.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding the simplistics of walking process and playing with points of self realisation within the application of self forgiveness as ahaha moments and sharing the coolness of points that I have just released from within myself that were acting as self imposed imprisonment.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising the consequence of accepting and allowing myself to be influenced by fear as creating an instability within myself in the form of a greedy character that is unable to consider what is best for all life here as assistance and support.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising how holding onto any thoughts is a form of self imprisonment as each thought carries an energetic charge within the polarity friction of feeling/emotion as some form of derivative of fear and that to effectively release fear from within myself...I am required to in the moment as I see the point within my mind that I realise is fucked as an acceptance and allowance it is to specificall forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding the point that was existent within my mind.
I forgive myself for not realising the greedy dynaminc of looking at points within my mind as self realisations and not speaking out loud the self corrective applications as self forgiveness as like a sourcing of my shit as to make an audible refernece as speaking aloud self basically saying yup, my bad...i acknowledge my fuck up and I stand as the solution/correction to the fuck up and thus I walk/live/breathe the as to say...till here no further do I accept and allow this bullshit within myself.
I forgive myself for thinking and believing that I really gotta search for points of self correction...and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not wanting to open up point when point is mirror refelcted within my mind and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising how greedy it is to not want to push a point into a living solution when the point presents itself within my mind as like an opportunity/present/gift that I am capable and able to give myself with self directive movement with breath and speaking aloud self forgiveness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for complicating points of self realisation by believeing that that shit can't just be so simple in application.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding how accepting and allowing conflict within myself as resistance to equality and oneness as life simplicity makes everything seem complicated and that by allowing myself to slow down and be here in breath...I am capable and able to embrace life simplicity of the moment.
I realise it is greedy to keep my thoughts to myself as the starting point of thoughts is fear and accepting and allowing fear is stupid bullshit retardation.
I realise the simplicity of walking solution in the moment as I see point within my mind as realisation and understanding as to why I have been accepting and allowing point of separation...and I realise the point of allowing myself to talk aloud or write out the solution as to source myself accounted for in practically living myself here as solution as walking self correction into self perfection as being here commited to Life as physical living.
I realise the point of self compromise within seeing a point as like seeing an opportunity/gift/present and choosing to not go there as like to say nah I'll come back to that point later.
I realise the ridiculousness of saying I'll look at these points later as opposed to in the moment taking self responsibility for the point and walking the solution as to make the change immediate as removing the charges placed against myself.
I realise the ridiculousness of not wanting to go there in terms of practically walking solution as equality and oneness self induced terrorism as like a total mind.
I realise I increase and strengthen my abilities and capabilities of living as practical solution by allowing myself to express myself here as practical living solution as equality and oneness as what's best for all life.
I realise the assistance and support I share in facilitating the expediation of process by walking and standing as a practical living solution of being in process here.
I commit myself to living assistance and support as the solution to practical living process here.
I commit myself to facilitating the expediation of process by walking and standing as a practical solution of being in process here.
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