I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising how greedy I have been as consequence of accepting and allowing myself to particpate within backchat as self righteous justification and excuse as reasoning to pursue and follow train of thought as accepted and allowed limitation and manipulation of what is best for all life here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for clouding my vision by participating within backchat as thoughts of self interest as like how can I justify selfishness and believe that my selfishness is the right thing to do.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not wanting to see and realisie the slyness of my mind programming as always being based in self interest as self righteous justification which is always greedy.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for justifying greediness as back chat particpation as consequence of fear of losing out on the best deal/opportunity.
I forgive myself for not realising how my mind manipulates the way I view opportunities to keep me within a state of perpetauting greedy self righteous addiction as consequence of fearing to let go of greedy self righteous direction as like being subservient to my mind as self righteous greedy thought analysis which is based on winning by making the best choices. I forgive myself for not realising how disaterous my choices have been as consequence of accepting and allowing my choices to have been outflow of accepted and allowed back chat participations.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for validating self righteous greed character as accepted and allowed backchat possessed entity of has created a prefernece for being comfortable as like being numb to reality as the consequence and suffering that exist here as abuse.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting to not enjoy the experience of myself and therefore perpetuate the experience of myself as less than and in adequate as manifested consequence of accepteing and allowing my behaviour movement to be dictated by my accepted and allowed greedy and self righteous programming.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not totally realising that where there is greed there is self righteousness and that self righteousness and greed are always products of fear and that greed and self righteousness are always here as consequence of accepting and allowing fear to exist here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not really giving a shit about all life here as consequence of accepting and allowing myself to particpate within backchat and I forgive myself for not realising that wheneve a point of backchat surfaces within myself that this is an indicator of accepted and allowed greedy self righteousness programming that is based from and as the starting point of fear.
I forgive myself for acceptng and allowing myself for having suppressed giving as I would like to receive as consequence of accepting and allowing myself to exist here as a greedy character.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding how I have short changed myself here as consequence of not giving to myself as I would like to receive and that giving to others is like giving to myself.
I forgive myself for not totally realising and understanding that every relationship I particpate within throughout the day is exposing to me my accepted and allowed conditioning as fear programming as self righteousness and greed and other fear derivatives.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for justifying greedy behaviour as resistance and reluctancy to share what is best for all in every moment and within this point I forgive myself for not realising that I have been holding back on myself from actual real physical living here as what is best for all as consequence of not wanting to share all that I am able to share.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for trapping myself within my mind as like dimensions of fear as like wallls as self imposed limitations as reasonings, ways, justifications for chosing what is not best for all life here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising that I have always been creating choice as consequence of not realising that life has always been given to me here and that I have been relecutant and resistance to seeing the opportunity presented as myself here as fortune as the gift I would like to receive.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not acknowledging myself as life as the gift I have been given as like marvoulous magnificence.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for suppressing my sharing here of and as life equality and oneness as consequence of greed/selfighteous desires to present myself as a superior being who is giving gifts of superiority as like to say ,..."hey the words I am sharing with you are supperior to yours and that I see myself as better than you and that yes if you really listen to the sound tonality of my voice were not at all equal and I am presenting to you my acceptance and allowance of your inferiority and I forgive myself for not realising that how I respond to others reflects how I have accepted and allowed myself to exist here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for believing I can hide stay and lost within the mirrors as like believing that I can be a reflectionless reflection as a being who fears to brutal face self in the mirror as self honesty.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for always manipulating the seeing of myself as to always place myself within a light as like a dimension or dimensions of fear as to always exst here as a character of colour.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be addicted to desiring to access myself here as equality and oneness and at the same time creating a resitance that persist as a desire of fearing to access myself here as equality and oneness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for stopping momentum as like totally walking through a point into completion when I am so close to actually moving through a point.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for justifying greed as giving up on myself by allowing myself to give into mind drug as fear addiction and the desire to get a rest as like a break and a time out from life so that I can exist here without fear.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having a greedy self righteous relationship with fear.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for only viewing view as a burden as something that is a mistake and wrong and that is not right. I forgive myself for not considering the point about fearing not being right as to mean that fear can be a tool of support when fear is seen as like exisiting within us beyond a point of greedy self righteousness and therfore fear is actually the main point that we all must walk as....as like we equalize ourself with ourself and therfore no longer accept and allow ourselves to be consumed by our cells as like cell division as like an unfavourable division as like mathematics that is not best for all life here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having believed and justified division as a bad thing as likea problem I don't understand the solution to...as like fear of loss...as a mathematical certainty of losing out.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting division as a point of ewuality and oneness as a mathematical tool that exemplifies the perfect balance in numbers as any number divided by itself is always one...and therfore the fear of losing myself as like the belief that I can be lost for all eternity is ridiculous because I am always one and equal as myself here.
I forgive myself for not realising that understanding self as division as the quotient and divisor here is always a whole number and that no matter how small the whole soound bit is....the sound bit can always get infinitely smaller.....and therfore the mathematics workd the other way to as a point of expansion to a maximum point of maximum potential as anything possible.
I realise looking at myself as relationships in numbers is a cool way of seeing how I accept and allow myself to exist here and that as consequence of allowing infinite dimensions of fear as limitation and not understanding how my limits work as the rules and laws of my being here...I have allowed myself to diminish in size as like diminishing returns as like exisitng here in time as consequence as like the systematic trap of mind fuckedness as consciousness as like not unserstanding how I am constantly reacting here as like a chemical biological phyisical mass math equation that is always trying to stabilize as a solution....BUT however///stabilization as a salene solution as perfect solution has not been remember and therfore I am in process of moving point by point sound bit by sound bit as self correction in walking solution picec by piece untill I piece together the totality of myself here as the whole view as like the holy shit....the whole picture.....the whole perspective.....the whole universe as the realisation of the whole one I verse as to say, " in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god"
As like tag you are it and I am it and together we are it and the point is to remember that we have always been it here....and that we have been so busy playing with ourselves that we got lost within our relationships with ourselves as like the mutitude of dimensions of ourselves....and when you realy examin ourselves as like our cells it is cool to see that in fact we have always been touching oursellves/cells and it's kind of ironic and humourous in a cosmical kind of sense because everything is always revealing everything and we are in fact everything....and it's funny our ablity to see this has been supressed to the point that we must let go of all our weight as like evrything we've been holding as like to breathe our air as like each of us being the heir here as like the labor for hire as the ones we've been looking for and waiting for to act in a way that we have been wanting and desring to see as like getting touched in a way that is awesome in all ways as like to press our buttons perfectly as to take each other for a ride as like perfect musical instruments playing in unison as the one sun shining here as the warmth that provides assistance and support for all life here in all ways which is best for life here.
process of self realisation and self perfection exist here in time as perpetual motion as like moving painfully slow in all ways so to be meticulously careful and accurate in making sure that no point is missed or forgotten in returning home so to speak as like back to full connectivity as connectedness to and as life here in all ways...as the process of consequence walked in fulfillment as absolute application of self forgiveness in all ways which are best here so that abuse is forgiven and forgotten so that all life can exist here all ways free from abuse as disconnectivity as manifested friction as consequence of reacting to being touched and touching another without awareness and therfore disregard for the well being of all life here in all ways.
For further support in accessing the mathematics of self... see nassim harmein unifide field lectures...part 1 and part 2 and allow yourself to look at mathematics as looking at yourself as life simplicity.
I commit myself to learning to honor myself as life commitment here as always best for life here
I am grafteful for pushing myself within my resistance to writing my blog this evening.
I am grateful for pushing myself to continue writing when I faced a point of back chat as like ok lets stop here.
I am grateful for the support I give to myself when I need and require support the most as like being on the precipice of falling within a time loop and I will myself to not repeat the mistakes I have already made countless times.
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