So I noticed how I had a negative charged relationship with the word 'excitement' and that my partner had a 'positive' charge to the word excitement and that we'd be reacting to each other as triggers so to speak. This exposed the point of how it's crucial to equalize vocabulary so that there is not a conflict within words because words are simply words and are therefore innocent. What i've noticed is that ive corrupted words by creating polarity relationships with words as feelings or emotions and that is self imposed suppression/limitation that hinders the ability to see with clarity. Therefore I am in the midst of redefining words in the sense of removing polarity charges so that each word is equal in hereness as I stand equal in my living words.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for defining 'excitement' as fucked and an energy buzz and that excitement is like being a drug addict addicted to a buzz.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for getting angry and annoyed with the word/expression of excitement.
I forgive myself for not realising how I had suppressed myself as excitement as innocence.I forgive myself for not realising that excitement is innocence.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising that my reactions to the word excitement were indicating points that needed further examination as a result of me accepting polarity friction in relationship with and as excitement.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising that by allowing postive and negative charges to exist, I am polarizing life and supporting the manifestation of the battle of good vs evil.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for deflecting self investigation towards my partner by telling her that she's gotta let go of her charge on the word excitement....not realising that what I was saying to my partner reflected back to me.
I forgive myself for not realising that everything I say to my partner I am saying to me and reflects back to me as a message/communication for me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for pointing the finger at my partner for having a fucked up relationship with words and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for denying self honesty within myself as being brutally honest about what I am accepting as vocabulary.
I forgive myself for not realising my words are tainted as abusive if my words havent been purified/equalized as all as one as equal, here as eternal life.
I forgive myself for not realising that I was beginning to take on many negative definition polarity charges with words as i viewed positivity as fucked and negative.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for attaching a negative polarity charge to the word fucked.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for defining fucked as something that is messed up in a bad way that is screwed within the context of as a result of accumulation of factors. I forgive myself for not realising that the definition of fucked and all words is not based upon holding a polarity charge and that words are simpply descriptions/explanations/filled with meaning. I forgive myself for not realising that polarity friction as energy is not to speak..yet I realise that participating within and as polarity friction hinders the ability to speak/communicate/express one self as words are not supposed to be charged...words are not to be imprisoned with a charge...words are not guilty....speaking words with a polarity charge is an example of speaking within and as a starting point of separation as accepting and allowing polarity creates divide within oneself which causes lostness and lack of meaning and power as living words as the sounds of the whole being. It's like a polarity charge creates a jeckyl and hyde scenario.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for giving the word guilt a negative charge.
I forgive myself for not realising that words are key in self expansion as self expression and wow, the importance of a large vocabulary assists and supports greater ease and freedom in and as self expression.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for neglecting re-defining words on a daily basis as a point of unconditional support.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising that resistance to re-defining words is a reference point for me as something that is vital for well being here as a check point on and as the map of life. Resistance is the life map.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for doubting my ability to re-define words and release all charges against words.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for believing myself to be separate from words.
I forgive myself for not realising that I am words here and that my relationship as words reflects my living as word(s) as I am here as living words.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for waiting to harmonize myself as the sounds of music as vocabulary purification as oneness and equality.
I realise I had suppressed myself as excitement as innocence. I realise excitement is innocence.
I realise what I say to my partner reflects back upon me as who I am and what I stand for and as.
I realise allowing postive and negative charges to exist is unaccpetable as it is less than life which is a manifestation of the battle of good vs evil.
I realise that everything I say to my partner I am saying to me and reflects back to me as a message/communication for me.
I realise I imprisoned myself within words as coding for my mind as a mind prison by accepting and allowing polarity to exist and I realise I can release myself from prison by deconstructing the coding that I created as polarity charges upon words.
I realise whenever I react to a word somebody speaks that this is a cool point of assistance and support to enhance self realisation as self perfection as vocabulary purification.
I realise words are key in self expansion as self expression and wow, the importance of a large vocabulary assists and supports greater ease and freedom in and as self expression.
I realise resistance to re-defining words is a reference point for me as something that is vital for well being here as a check point on and as the map of life. Resistance is the life map.
I realise I am words here and that my relationship as words reflects my living as word(s) as I am here as living words.
Reddefining: excitement, guilt, fucked.
excitment: x marks the spot of a treasure/cross reference point. exictment also means arousal, self stimulation, horny, filled with joy, eagerness. x-sight-meant...ex-site-meant...ex-cite-ment. excitement is a knowingness as a self realisation.
guilt: guil-t...g-u-il-t. 'to be sick with guilt'. guilt is like an illness a burden an unjust result/doing. Guilt is a mistake or a wrongdoing. Self-forgiveness will alleviate guilt.guilt is like regret. a regrettable action. an action that is deemed wrong. inapropriate.
fucked: past tense of having sex...'we fucked last night'. fucked can also mean, without making sense.."that's fucked...or you're fucked. fucked...f you seeked...fucked also means screwed. Fucked is a versatile's easy to express fuck and fucked and fucking and fucker and fucks...fuck easily corrleates to sex and every physical action is sexual because we are sexual beings...therfore words that are cleary understood as having a sexual connotation are easily played with in various positions as sexual activity can be performed in many positions.
I commit myself to purifying my vocabulary as equality and oneness by releasing all charges against myself as polarity friction as accepted and allowed conflict within myself.
I commit myself to enjoying sharing and supporting life by living/speaking words as who I am here as Oneness and Equality.
I commit myself to using reactions and resistance as tools of support to facilitate self-realisation.
I commit myself to being a gentleman as living words.
I commit myself to playfullness as living words.
I commit myself to focus and awareness as living words.
I commit myself to knowing myself as words as physical living.
I commit myself to living words as self-realisation.
I commit myself to living vocabulary purification as Oneness and Equality together merged/intertwined/woven as eternal equalization as absolute harmonios sound.
I commit myself to learning and living new words as a point of self expansion in and as self expression.
check out the following links for additional awesomeness:
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