So in writing my previous blog the point surfaced hours later about self righteousness in connection to compettion as a point of comparison/self compromise. I had labeled compettion as a big primary point within myself and I negated really seeing the self righteous connotation as starting point of allowing competion within myself.
letting go of self righteous competition is like wow ok awesome let me begin here with some self forgiveness on the point.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing thoughts within myself where I judge and compare others against myself as inferior and not as worthy as I am as being a great and and noble being because of allowing myself to consume myself with thoughts about others self imposed limitations and why they are not as good as me as a result of such acceptances and allowances.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to boost my ego as self righteous competition as a superior being by participating within thoughts about whay other beings are doing that is fucked up...I forgive myself for not realising how fucked up it is for me to thinhk about what other beings that are doing that is fucked up and judge their participation within and as fuckedness and therfore creating levels of fuckedness within myself...and I therfore forgive myself for not realising that accepting and allowing leveles of fuckedness is totally fucked up and in no way is supporting oneneness and equality.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising how I have throughout my life allowed myself to connect self-righteousness to competition and to justify self righteous competition as survival of the fittest and that it's all about winning and that losing isnt fun and that my fun is connected to winning and being the winner and being the best and believing myself to be better than the I am on another level than I am above the best...I forgive myself for not realising how I separated myself within the point of being better than the best by not seeing myself as equal to the best and wanting desiring to be better than the best and therfore create the belief that I can be better than the best as a result of accepting and allowing inferiority within myself and therfore creating a self righteous persona to camoflauge the accepted and allowed inferiority within myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to build up a self righteous persona as a way of self preservation by accepting and allowing myself to believe that if I dont protect myself from others I will be harmed and limmited....and therfore I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear others and therfore believe that I need to project a persona of myself as greatness because of the accepted and allowed inferiority definition acceptances and allowances within mysels as less than.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for using my immediate family memebers as stepping stones in building up a self righteous persona based in competition that I project and proclaim my greatnes to and see my immediate family as less than me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for giving attention to inferiority/superiority througha and as comeption self righteous judgement as my accepted and allowed social profilling/scanning/way of seeing.
I forgive myself for not realising that my ability to see what is here has been compromised by accepting and allowing self righteous competion within myself which has created always seeing forms of my self imposed judgement within and as a polarity spectrum of better or worse as more than or less than.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for separating myself from myself through and as self righteousness as accepted and allowed competive judgements.
I forgive myself for not realising that I have accepted and allowed myself to be competitive within my judgements to make sure I am protected as a winning investment always at the expense of losers around me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for wanting and desiring to be worshipped and idolized and adored and admired for greateness/superiority as s supreme being who is better and more than others and therrfore proclaimed as a celebrity icon.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for wishing I was born into if someobody has to be superior in the superior/inferiority polarity complex game...why not me...I want to be the winner and not the loser.
I forgive myself for not realising that throough the acceptance and allowance of self righteous compettion judgements I HAVE ACCEPTED AND ALLOWED INEQUALITY TO EXIST by particpating within and as inequality as polarity consequence as being a loser that wants to be a winner not realising the harm that has manifested from accepting and allowing a rat race to exist as the human race of compettion based on the starting point principle of wanting/desiring to get ahead/win/greed as a result of fear of loss.
I forgive myself for not realising how from an early age I was developping strategies/personalities within myself to protect myself from and as fear of loss and being a loser.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for fearing to be a loser and wanting/desiring soooooooo much to be the best and greatest winner ever and therfore believed that I just have to design and build myself up as the greatest and best winner ever and therfore that is what I will be as I believed that what I believe is what I will achieve because the rhyme does the time as the consequence manifestation as acceptance and allowance that I want and desire.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for wanting and desiring consequence ans a result of accepting and allow self righteousness within myself as compettion and judgement within myself from the perspective of being separate through accepting and allowing polarity friction to exist within me as a mind consciousness system based on charging energy from my body as feeling and emotions and not realising how abusive it is to charge myself up as energy as like a feeding off myself for an upper or downer moment as a result of wanting/desiring consequence.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for spiting myself through accepted and allowed projected and proclaimed self righteousness particpations.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realsing how exstensive the point of self righteous addiction within myself has been as a primary point of attention within my mind.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for getting annoyed and frustrated with pity for believing that people who are not self righteous anf feel sorry for themselves are like not getting forgive myself for not realising that accepting and allowing self righteousness within myself has been a mask/coping mechanism for feeling sorry for myself for accepted and allowed self loathing/inferiority.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having created an automated system within my mind as self righteous judgement comparison ego booster winning confrimation coding as thoughts which place me in the position of superior to other beings or thoughts about self proclaimed greateness and thoughts/imaginations/picturing praise and worship for goodness/greateness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being such a cry baby within myself by accepting and allowing such whining as projections of self righteousness that are connected to complaining and emotions and feelings as looking for self validation as favoured reactional responses as energetic charges as emotions and feelings that will feed ego as energy within myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as separate from all the other selves here as each individual self.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself comparison and competion as accepted and allowed self righteous justification in relation to all form that is here as physical substance.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for projecting the idea that I am superior form of physical substance that is greater than other forms of physical substance.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for judging and comparing self righteous compettion comparsions memories within myself as past moments.
I forgive myself for not realising the extent to which I have accepted and allowed various degress of judgement as leveles of self righteous compettion comparison as levels of fuckedness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing leveles of fuckedness within myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating a difficult time in expressing the awsesomeness of DIP course and process and what I am doing within it on a daily basis as a result of accepting and allowing self righteousness within myself as superior being who is able to see and here common sense and people who do not know about dip course and process are inferior and therfore won't get what I am saying if I am brutally blunt in my speaking specifically self honestly and precise.
I forgive myself for not realising the effectiveness and art of self expression as communication has been limmited within myself as a result of self righteouss compettion comparison judgements. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing limitation within and as sharing/living words as a result of holding on to self righteousness/compettion/comparison from the startin gpoint of accepted and allowed spearation as polarity energy fluctuations.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for fearing the feeling of emptiness as not being posssessed by any energetic charge as emotions or feelings as an experience of nothingness within myself that brings about the question of who am I without any feeling or emotion as an energetic charge possession as manifested consequence as polarity complex equations.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for clinging to the past in self definition as points of describing and answering the question who am I.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for holding onto memories of self righteousness within myself as moment of winning and greateness.
I realise the effectiveness and art of self expression as communication has been limmited within myself by myself by accepting and allowing self righteous compaettion comparison judgements.
I realise the extent to which I have accepted and allowed various degress of judgement as leveles of self righteous compettion comparison as levels of fuckedness.
I realise that accepting and allowing self righteousness within myself has been a mask/coping mechanism for feeling sorry for myself for accepted and allowed self loathing/inferiority.
I realise how from an early age I was developping strategies/personalities within myself to protect myself from and as fear of loss and being a loser.
I realise how abusive it is to chrage myself up as energy as like a feeding off myself for an upper or downer moment as a result of wanting/desiring consequence.
I realise that throough the acceptance and allowance of self righteous compettion judgements I HAVE ACCEPTED AND ALLOWED INEQUALITY TO EXIST by particpating within and as inequality as polarity consequence as being a loser that wants to be a winner not realising the harm that has manifested from accepting and allowing a rat race to exist as the human race of compettion based on the starting point principle of wanting/desiring to get ahead/win/greed as a result of fear of loss.
I realise that I have accepted and allowed myself to be competitive within my judgements to make sure I am protected as a winning investment always at the expense of losers around me.
I realise that my ability to see what is here has been compromised by accepting and allowing self righteous competion within myself which has created always seeing forms of my self imposed judgement within and as a polarity spectrum of better or worse as more than or less than.
I realise how fucked up it is for me to thinhk about what other beings that are doing that is fucked up and judge their participation within and as fuckedness and therfore creating levels of fuckedness within myself
I realise the disillusion of thought consumption as feeding self righteous comeptition comparsion as accepted and allowed self compromis/self sabotage as totally unacceptable and not cool and that it in no way support life.
When and as I see myself accepting self righteousness within myself as thoughts accepted and allowed compettion/comparsion,..I STOP, I Breathe and I realise the fuckedness as the completely absurd ridiculousness of accepting and allowing such bullshit participations within myself. I allow myself to let the thoughts go without reaction and realisation that I am in the process of self correction as self perfection and therfore my effectiveness is determined within and as dilligence as consistent application and walking patience with humbleness and grace as the courage and honor to know thy self and face thy self and get'r done as birthing myself as life from and as the physical by utilising all my capabilities/potential and oppurtunitites as awesome assistance and support facilitating self realisation as oneness and equality here as a labor of love.