Ok, so I was working on an assignment and I was invited to attend a party and I had dismished the party all together because of the justification that I had an assignment to work on. However, upon further investigation, it was clear that I was justifying not being able to attend the party even for a little bit because I had exstensive judgements about the particpants of the party and the consumption of alcohol that would be most definitely taking place at the party. So, I had dismissed the party all together because of my judgements about party participants and the justification that I am simply not able to spare any time away from my assignment.
So, I had been working on my assignment for several hours and I was taking a break from my assignment when I recieved a text from one of the party participants, saying. "you should stop by". After reading the text a rush of fear/nervousness rushed through my beingness and I saw the point of resistance here as I didn't want to go to the party...and that I was being challenged here because the justification I gave earlier was simply not valid as I had just begun taking a break from my assignment and I was capable of going up the street to say hello and chat with party participants for a little bit.
Despite seeing this point, I hesitated for a few seconds, looking within my my mind for a reason/justification to hide within fear and judgement and avoid pushing this obvious point of resistance that has presented itself as an oppurtunity for me to transcend a point of accepted and allowed limitation.
So, I decide I must go to the party and face my accepted and allowed resistance and delete these jusgements and fears I have created. So, as I move myself towards the party that is up the street,
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for judging friends as separate from me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for judging people as separate from me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for fearing friends/peoples judgement of me.
I forgive myself for not realising that I have been holding onto points of separation as wasys of keeping people/friends separate from me.
I forgive myself for not realising that the judgements I fear in others are self judgements that I porject to be separate from me.
I forgive myself for not realising the ridiculousness of holding onto judgements about people as separate from me and for fearing the self judgements that I created.
I forgive myself for not realising that each person who drink alcohol is me in another life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for crucifying people who drink alcohol as blame worthy at fault ridden that are wrong and I am separate from this.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for believing that I can be separate from fuckedness and fault.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for suppressing my compassion and consideration for my fellow man/woman.
I forgive myself for not realising that everyone who drinks alcohol is suffering.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for fearing to stand alone at the party as an example for my peers, showing that it is possible to face your acceptances and allowances and let go of addictions and desires to feel good.
I forgive myself for suppressing the oppurtunity to learn and expand myself by always going where I resist going.
I forgive myself for not realising the road map of life is within and as the destinations there is greatest resistance towards.
I realise that resistance acts as a road map to life.
I realise that any judgement is self induced mind fuck that was generated within and as a point of fear and is a mind-fuck to be faced and let go of with self-forgiveness.
I realise I cannot be seperate from here and that I can only 'think' I am separate...or others are spearate from me as a result of self imposed mind imprisonment as buying/feeding into a illusion/delusion as make belief.
I realise beings who drink alcohol is suffering.
I realise that letting go of judgement is awesome.
I realise that life/self expression is without judgement.
I realise judgement/fear is self imposed suffering/suppression/abuse/damnation.
I commit myself to working through all self forgiveness and self corrective statements required to effectively erradicate all judgement/fear from my beingness.
I commit myself to purifying the law of my being by pushing through all points of resistance as I use resistance/judgement/fear as a road map indicator that assists and supports me on the journey to life as complete self realisation as all as one as equal.
I commit myself to enjoying the journey to life as complete self-realisation as all as one as equal.
I commit myself to sharing my enjoyment as a participant here journeying to life.
I commit myself to laughing and sharing laughter to all points of ridiculous I expose and reveal to myself on the Journey to life as I embrace self-realisations.
I commit myself to receiving support from myself in all ways.
I commit myself to giving support to myself in all ways.
I commit myself to birthing myself as life from and as the physical here.
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