The best funny is self-realisation....seeing the ridiculousness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting seeing the ridiculousness of my acceptances and allowances.
I forgive myself for not realising that when I cannot see the ridiculousness of myself of myself I am possessed by my own ridiculousness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for limiting self-expression as funny by accepting and allowing condemnation as judgement that is abuse that locks the funny away as to diminsh self-realisation as a point of self-sabotage because of accepted and allowed self-righteousness as a polarity friction within myself.
I forgive myself for not realising the funny is me as everywhere as the ridiculous exposed in every moment.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for trying to force funny to be funny.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for separating myself from and as funny.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for fearing losing control as a result of embracing the funny that I am.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for experiencing guilt about what is and isnt funny.
I forgive myself for not realising that funny cannot exist within polarity friction and funny is to realise the whole point of and as a self-realisation.
I forgive myself for not realising that funny is a release from accepting and allowing fear as the shackles that suppress fun and funny as a living self-expression in every moment.
I forgive myself for not realising that fun is in funny and funding and funerals and furniture and funnels and having funds to express yourself and thus an equal money system assists and supports equal fun funds funding funerals funneled furniture. I realise the above statement is ridiculous, lol.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for suppressing the realisation that funny and fun cannot practically be lived in every moment within and as self suppression.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting sharing the funny out of fear that the funny will be too powerful and cause soo many ridiculous reactions that I fear dealing with and exposing the ridiculousness of such reactions.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a false sense of humility by believing that funny is determined by the peoples emotions and feelings around me and that if the mood is low than it is not the time to be funny and funny is only suppose to exist when and as I am high.
I forgive myself for not realising the harmonious oneness and equality as seeing a point with clarity and laughing as the point as all as one equal and one as a self expression as confirmations of and as a self-realisation.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for believing that funny is hard or easy to get.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not living the self realisation that I am funny and funny is always within and as me as who I am and that I got it and thus I don't need to get it because I am it and thus I can never lose myself as funny because I realise myself as oneness and equality as the but of my own joke as I am the joke and the joker and the point of funny is me and is all together as everyone as everyone is in on and a part of the joke.
I forgive myself for not realising that my ability to embrace funny is suppressed when I fear consequences of seeing realising living the funny as who I am because than I am exposed as seeing and being ridiculous.
I forgive myself for not realising fearing ridiculousness is fear self as funny and is a result of self doubt as self suppression as self imposed limitation as eternal damnation as a result of self imposed suffering because it is justified as a surival mechanism to cope with the accepted and allowed fear that consumes and possesses myself as a result of the consequences of not wanting to see me as funny and ridiculous in and as the nature of me being here.
I forgive myself for not realising the courage and honour and cool fun awesomeness in sharing and living the funny as a point of assisting and supporting self honesty as the seeds of awesomeness as a gift I have the abilty to share and a gift I like to recieve. I forgive myself for suppressing the simplicity of the principle of 'giving as I like to recieve'. I forgive myself for not realising that the best nourishmnet I can give myself is giving myself that which I like to recieve and appreciate and live gratefullness as appreciation for life as which I have been given.
I forgive myself for not realising the practical living as funny as words as real life meaningfull self expression as assitance and support in all ways as most excellent unconditional awesomeness.
I realise when I cannot see the ridiculousness of myself of myself I am possessed by my own ridiculousness.
I realise funny is me as everywhere as the ridiculous exposed in every moment.
I realise funny cannot exist within polarity friction and funny is to realise the whole point of and as a self-realisation.
I realise funny cannot exist within polarity friction and funny is to realise the whole point of and as a self-realisation.
I realise funny is a release from accepting and allowing fear as the shackles that suppress fun and funny as a living self-expression in every moment.
I realise fun is in funny and funding and funerals and furniture and funnels and having funds to express yourself and thus an equal money system assists and supports equal fun funds funding funerals funneled furniture. I realise the above statement is ridiculous, lol.
I realise my ability to embrace funny is suppressed when I fear consequences of seeing realising living the funny as who I am because than I am exposed as seeing and being ridiculous.
I realise fearing ridiculousness is fear self as funny and is a result of self doubt as self suppression as self imposed limitation as eternal damnation as a result of self imposed suffering because it is justified as a surival mechanism to cope with the accepted and allowed fear that consumes and possesses myself as a result of the consequences of not wanting to see me as funny and ridiculous in and as the nature of me being here.
I realise the courage and honour and cool fun awesomeness in sharing and living the funny as a point of assisting and supporting self honesty as the seeds of awesomeness as a gift I have the abilty to share and a gift I like to recieve. I forgive myself for suppressing the simplicity of the principle of 'giving as I like to recieve'. I forgive myself for not realising that the best nourishmnet I can give myself is giving myself that which I like to recieve and appreciate and live gratefullness as appreciation for life as which I have been given.
I realise the practical living as funny as words as real life meaningfull self expression as assitance and support in all ways as most excellent unconditional awesomeness.
I commit myself to living fun funny awesomness in ways that is best for life as an example and creator of fun funny awesomeness always planting seeds of awesomeness so that awesome may blossom and bloom everywhere in always as an expression that is best for all in always.
I commit myself to assisting and supporting the implimentation of an equal money system by sharing practical common sense about the absolute awesomeness of a system of excellence and that anything less is self imposed limitation that is unacceptable ridiculous abuse.
I commit myself to embracing funny with courage and honour and humour and humbleness and humility as a fun funny joker that is here as a soldier for live in all ways best.
I commit myself to playing with the work I do and laugh along the way of processing myself as the fruits of my labour as I birth myself as Life from the physical as the purification of the law of my being as total harmonization as Oneness and Equality here always.
I commit myself to recieving gifts as the presence of self awareness always presenting the gift of life in every moment of breath all ways here as unconditional awesomeness.
I commit myself to be appreciative and gratefull for all the funny that is shared with me as seeds of awesomeness that grow within me as point of unconditional eternal self support.
I commit myself to sharing self-fulfillment as a detective that detects funny that is always seeing and realising funny ridiculous moments and sharing the detections for Life's benefit to assist and support the nourishment of and as nature.
I commit myself to using resistance as my road map to uncover and share the fun and funny always as a living example of what is best for all life in all ways.
I commit myself to living a self fulfilling prophecy as Heaven on Earth to facilitate and direct what is best for existence in all ways most excellent awesomeness.
I commit myself to sharing the self realisation of awesome as awe-so-me as you is me and me is you and there is always some awe in awesome as awe yaaaaaa that's fucking awesome as the absolute best fucking that stand as the eternal orgasm always here as life sustance.
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