I forgive myself for not realizing the extent to which opportunities are constantly presented to me as presents here and that the funny thing about all the presents as opportunities is that I must be present to receive presents...otherwise present/gift is not realized in the moment due to distractions such as thoughts/feelings/emotions
I forgive myself for not realizing the importance of slowing myself down as assistance and support as assessing opportunities/situations/presents and that slowing down is done from the perspective of directing the pace of my breathing with and as self willed direction/movement and that when I take self willed initiative to slow myself down, my mind slows down and comes to a halt and thus I am able to see and hear in greater detail the opportunities/presents/examples that are being shared with me in the moment.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having been overwhelmed at all the opportunities/presents/gifts/sharing's that are available to me.
I forgive myself for not realizing how living gratitude as a great attitude as gratefulness is like the key to opening/receiving gifts/presents/opportunities that assist and support self realization and facilitate growth and expansion.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having missed so many gifts that were presented to me because I was not entirely present to receive the gift because I was engaged within a train of thought trip that prevented me from seeing/hearing and inquiring about the gift/present/opportunity that was within my sights and hearing.
I forgive myself for not realizing the extent to which daily writing opens up opportunities as gifts/presents as points of self realizations and scripts as ways/paths that are of great assistance and support as absolute awesomeness in facilitating the becoming of greatness as manifested living of gratefulness.
I forgive myself for not realizing that increasing detail and specificity in living gratefulness and gratitude being a great attitude increases greatness/fulfillment.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing the moment to moment application of living gratefulness beginning with the breath of life and expanding outward and compressing inward.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing absolute awesomeness of time compression and expansion with and as self direction of breathing.
I forgive myself for not realizing the assistance and support my mind provides me as a tool of oneness and equality to show me how I have programmed myself
I realize the extent to which opportunities are constantly presented to me as presents here and that the funny thing about all the presents as opportunities is that I must be present to receive presents...otherwise present/gift is not realized in the moment due to distractions such as thoughts/feelings/emotions
I realize the importance of slowing myself down as assistance and support as assessing opportunities/situations/presents and that slowing down is done from the perspective of directing the pace of my breathing with and as self willed direction/movement and that when I take self willed initiative to slow myself down, my mind slows down and comes to a halt and thus I am able to see and hear in greater detail the opportunities/presents/examples that are being shared with me in the moment.
I realize how living gratitude as a great attitude as gratefulness is like the key to opening/receiving gifts/presents/opportunities that assist and support self realization and facilitate growth and expansion.
I realize the extent to which daily writing opens up opportunities as gifts/presents as points of self realizations and scripts as ways/paths that are of great assistance and support as absolute awesomeness in facilitating the becoming of greatness as manifested living of gratefulness.
I realize that increasing detail and specificity in living gratefulness and gratitude being a great attitude increases greatness/fulfillment.
I realize the assistance and support my mind provides me as a tool of oneness and equality to show me how I have programmed myself
I realize absolute awesomeness of time compression and expansion with and as self direction of breathing.
When and as I see myself stuck/possessed by a thought/feeling/emotion, I stop and I breathe and I hold my breath for a moment as indication of me standing as the point of self direction as director of reality and I take a moment to hold myself still within breath and appreciate the air I am holding within me as gratitude and gratefulness
I commit myself to becoming as specific and detailed as possible in living gratefulness and gratitude as a great attitude.
I commit myself to being/becoming a physical manifested example of gratefulness and gratitude being a great attitude.
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